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Everything posted by JackSnowOfHouseBolton

  1. They killed the show last night. They took it from a 10 to a 6. It was almost like watching an entire different show to the past 6 seasons. Since day one the white walkers were meant to be the big end game of the show. From the first episode. 8 seasons of “winter is coming” produced a massive 9 year long flop. It was ridiculously bad writing. All the character development and plots over the past 6-7 seasons completely thrown out of the window. It’s almost like the producers got writers block and just decided to kill off the white walkers plot in a rushed way. What is the point of bran? Why did we suffer seasons of him? He was pointless. Why did the NK go to kill him? He was already winning and on the mainland. What was the point of ressurecting Jon Snow? Its laughable that for 9 years its been all about how winter was coming and going to destroy the human race and how the wall was keeping out death, and then this almighty death god cant even make it past winterfell against a bunch of rag tags, and an arya start teleports out of nowhere, while bran was completely surrounded by NK and his commanders, and an entire undead army, and still manages to kill the NK with a knife to the knee. It just shits on the whole 9 years of viewing this show. Literally anyone could have done That. Might as well have a maid trip over and spill boiling water on him and watch him melt it was that bizarre. What was the point of 9 years of build up just for the guy to not even make it past the first hurdle? There were far greater and more desperate feeling battles than last nights episode yet it was meant to be the big one. I never did like the white walker story line. It felt like a bad walking dead bit. Doesnt really fit in with the GoT world tbh. But last night ruined the show for me. They should have atleast have the NK win winterfell, the main characters retreat to kings landing, winter falls on kings landing as they all group together with cersei to kill the NK, losing most characters along the way, only for cersei to betray them at the very end etc. now it will be predictable. Im guessing Jon snow will 100% die saving Dany, sansa sits on the throne, cersei is ousted but not killed, manages to run away and gives birth and tells the baby that it will grow up to reclaim the throne and ends on a cliffhanger somewhat.
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