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Everything posted by Daenerysthegreat

  1. She didn’t end up walking naked across the whole city, or being stabbed by her brothers That was official task. The real task was mainly to keep the nights watch neutral and not interfere in realms duties, which he kinda failed, as you can see in his last chapter. Tell that to renly, who had the entire reach at his command despite being 4th/6th in line( If you count Myrcella and Shireen) Wasn’t there a will that named Ned stark regent, I hope you know where it went.
  2. Well, half of Westeros is currently in ruins. there were 5 kings but it got reduced to 3 and a fourth one is currently coming and the war is still going on. normal situation: Any post dance per war of the usurper time except in the blackfyre rebellions
  3. Who is alive between the two of them? It isn’t Jon. In a normal situation, and real targaryens not fake ones.
  4. Weren’t you giving the right of conquest thing a few posts ago. People are aware of aegon. Most believe him to be an false man, a pretender. There’s a line from Kevan in his epilogue chapter about this thing. It’s a custom, not a law. Didn’t Aerys I pass over maekar and name his niece Aelora heiress. That’s also given in the wiki.
  5. Where is it written? Didn’t Maegor the cruel get the throne instead of Aenys’s children since he had the largest dragon. Dany has three dragon and moreover, the fact remains and is widely accepted in westeros, that rhaegars only male child was killed by Gregor clegane, his daughter was stabbed half a hundred times by Lorch, their bodies were presented by Tywin to the iron throne.
  6. Simply put The baratheon dynasty gained the throne through murder of the previous royal family and usurpation The Targaryen dynasty gained the throne through these factors 1) They helped the riverlands in their war of independence against the iron born and got their fealty as payment. 2) They destroyed the Reach, Westerlands and Stormlands army and got their fealt. 3) The north, the vale and the iron islands willingly submitted to their rule They also maintained their rule through numerous rebellions and civil wars for 283 years, of which around 10 were spent in war ( I’m counting the faith militant as a insurgency than a war). The Baratheon dynasty went into civil war as soon as their original claimant died, even their allies fought them and each other. it’s clear that the targaryens are legitimate, much more than the Baratheons.
  7. I guess Daenerys’s tragedy will be more of a Pyrrhic victory one Since her first chapter, her prime motive is to get back what was stolen from her and her brother, to get back at the people who killed her kin, to avenge the defiling of the capital by the Lannister and stark armies. I don’t think she will ever get to Westeros, it is going to be destroyed by the others. She will win back her home, but she will lose everything in the process.
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