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About s0cKi

  • Birthday 01/04/1990

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  • Location
    Varna, Bulgaria

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  1. Greetings to all from Bulgaria! Here is my story for those who are interested: I don't usually reveal/use my real name in forums (especially foreign ones) but i will say it this once - Rostislav (good luck pronouncing it). Most people (even in person) address me with "s0cKi" which is a very weird nickname I got about 6-7 years ago and I have absolutely no idea what it means (except it has nothing to do with socks!! lol) but I still use it cause it sounds cool, lolz. I'm 20 years old and as I mentioned I live in a small country in Eastern Europe - Bulgaria. I doubt you will be interested in my life, hobbies and stuff like this, so I'll just skip that part and go directly to tbe books, lol. Obviously, I'm a big fan of the series, but for unknown reasons I registered in this forum just a week ago. I first read the first 3 books in 2003 after they were recommended to me by another fan of fantasy books. I waited and waited for the 4th book and when it didn't come out in the next year I just stopped paying attention to what happened to the series and told myself that I would just wait for all books to come out and read all 6 of them at once... lol, did I have no idea who GRRM was back then. And so 7 years past since then, when at the start of 2010 I finally remembered the great books which ASOIAF were and decided to reread them. I realized that 7 years is indeed a long time because i didn't remember almost anything (well, except a few very notable things, but I won't go into spoilers in this particular thread). Funny thing is that at this time (January) I googled ASOIAF and found the HBO TV series (which at the time were still not greenlit) and went into a frenzy and I was a very happy panda (if they can be happy at all, lol). Anyway.. I reread the first 3 books (buying the 4th one in the process) and then registered here. However, I was smart enough to NOT read any topics cautious of spoilers and started reading the 4th book which I actually finished about an hour ago and here I am posting this ridiculously long introduction post. I haven't read anything in the forum yet, including the rules, so I apologize if I already broke some of them, lol. Speaking of that.. as you can see, I put an avatar ot Jaime and since I didn't see anyone else having an ASOIAF related avatar.. tell me if it's forbidden and I will change it (although I can't see a reason why it should be). I think that's all for my introduction.. I haven't read the entire thread but I'm pretty sure i wrote one of the longest introductions so far, because this is just my style of writing.. I don't know when to stop -.- Anyway, greetings to all again and I hope I'll have a good experience in this forum. ^^
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