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Posts posted by peterbound

  1. On February 23, 2016 at 2:59 PM, MisterOJ said:

    I'm confused by this first paragraph. Is the lady referred to large or small? Because in one sentence, she is described as having a "well-rounded frame" which I tend to think means large and curvy. But in a following sentence it says "because she was so very petite, the steps didn’t even so much as groan as she made her way carefully down them" which seems to contradict her being "well-rounded."

    First thing that caught my eye as well.  Not a good sign when the descriptors are confusing right out the gate.  Not sure 'well rounded' and 'petite' fall into the same category.  


    Really tried getting through the few chapters you had posted, chief, but holy shit that's some horrible writing you've got going on there.  You're trying too hard to be gimmicky with the language, the plot is on the back burner, and the fucking purple prose is making my goddam eyes bleed.  I attempted to make sense of what was up on your website, but I still have no fucking clue what the story is about.  I get you are trying to sound olde fashion-y, but it just comes off sounding silly. Focus on the story more, tighten up the text, and then focus on word choice/type.  You're letting your gimmick run your mind.  Not a good way to go. 


    Seriously, and I'm not trying to be a dick here, but this stuff isn't good.  I know that's hard to hear, and I'm sure you'll deflect, call my avatar stupid, and somehow attempt to invalidate my opinion, but it doesn't change the fact that the stuff you put out into the world is painful to read and the work of someone trying too hard, and not having a fucking clue of what they are doing. 

  2. I never actually posted an introduction for myself.

    Hi, I'm 18 years old. I graduated from High School last June. I'm currently bumming around. I will be joining the U.S. Airforce pretty soon as soon as I stop procrastinating and start doing things with my life. Um... I've always sort of liked books. I've always liked the English language in general.

    Hmm.. I definitely like ASoIF. I guess that's a given. I recently read the currently released books of The Kingkiller Chronicles. I loved them. I'm currently reading the Assassin's Apprentice a part of the Farseer trilogy. It's pretty cool. I don't like it as much, so far, as much as I did of Kvothe's misadventures.

    What else... I'm a bit of a computer geek. But, I balance it out (or try to). I've been in quite a few triathlons and marathons especially since graduation.

    I don't know what I want to do with my life. In the short-term, as I mentioned above, I'm going to join the military. I plan on going to college (also, while in the military) but I don't know what I want to do career-wise. I don't know what I want to study. Computer engineering seems interesting. But, I'm not all that good or fond of math. Maybe I'll learn to like it as I get better at it. Maybe spend my academic years getting degrees in English? I don't exactly want to be poor, nor do I want to teach. Unless I write a novel that becomes successful I will most definitely be poor. Am I going to pull a Patrick Rothfuss and go to school for a decade-and-a-half? I hope not. I never really liked high school.

    Anyways, this introduction has gotten way out of hand. I apologize to all two of you who actually read these. Oh, and my name is David. Nice to meet you two!

    David, many of us on here are prior, or current military. If you have any questions, please let us help.

  3. Blah, this shit goes to 11!

    Best episode of the season. Seeing Cat walk thru the lord trying to keep her dignity was a scene they hammered. Seeing Rob in a moment of weakness, and beating the fuck out a tree like a child was great.

    The Ros scene.. really? I'm not complaining about seeing boobs.. just me. I also think it was giving background about the Pycellle character to non readers, and just how long he's been around the 'Game'

    Seeing Tyrion being manipulated by his father was splendid, and all the Jon' scenes were great.

    I did have minor beef with the hair sticking around after the fire.. but fuck it, maybe it's being built into the mythos of the show that /all/ of Dany is immune to fire.

    Loved it.

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