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Snake from Dorne

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Everything posted by Snake from Dorne

  1. You can't tell a story about war and cut all the battle scenes. If you can't afford to tell the story right, don't tell at all. It's distressing having this glorious tale reduced to an inferior product. BTW, I guess my last post was censored -- for being too negative? -- even though it generated several replies in agreement before removal. A thousand apoligies. I didn't realize this site was hosted from Syria. I would've hoped a site dedicate to a WRITER would have more respect for free speech. Hopefully what follows will pass the censors: These HBO writers are rank amateurs who have no business interpreting GRRM's work. Every episode (except #8) reminds me of a child trying to re-interpret a Picasso. HBO is demeaning GRRMs art. I won't even talk much about the utterly contrived scenes they add (Ned noticing Arya in a crowd of thousands, Tyrion being knocked unconsious just before battle for the entire battle, etc). The #1 great thing about A Game of Thrones is it's realism. Yet HBO can't resist sensationalising the plot for cheap kicks. They treated The Wire and Deadwood with far more respect. If you want me to put it any nicer than that, have HBO produce a better series. The writers should be fired. I refuse to water-down my opinion for anyone's benefit.
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