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Mya Stone

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Everything posted by Mya Stone

  1. Pretty sure what Linda means is that a huge part of Loras's book characterization is his undying love of Renly. It's part of the reason he joins the Kingsguard.
  2. She was also singing it when Stannis came to her. I also appreciate the streamlining of teaching Davos to read. Eliminates the Maester. Nicely done. Although I am a little saddened Stannis didn't order it.
  3. Oh, and SHIREEN. Holy creeptastic Greyscale. And the fetuses were super creepy, as well. No wonder Stannis wants to bang the hot red head.
  4. This was a fantastic episode. All the pieces are lining up, maybe not exactly as in the books, but all roads lead to the same outcome. The bath scene was even better on the screen than it was on paper. And the Hound/Beric was awesome, as well. Poor Arya. Maisie broke my heart when she asked about bringing a headless man back to life. :(
  5. I watch with my non book reader sister and her just reading book one now boyfriend, and they both kind of cheered when Jaime got his hand cut off saying he got what he deserved, whereas I was like "NOOOOOOOOOOOO." Watching it happen is so different than reading it. I think my imagination played it down.
  6. Oh, George, you cheeky bastard. Cersei to Shae: (paraphrased) That must be one heck of story, Tell me about your MYSTERIOUS HISTORY, Shae. Shae: When I was 13...(LANCEL COMES RUNNING IN KNOCKING EVERYTHING OVER) Me: Giggling. :lol:
  7. I took Stannis watching the person on the white horse as Renly's ghost. I may be wrong but he totally looked spooked by it.
  8. I am gonna cry real tears the next time we hear that song.
  9. HOLY SHIT. Who's watching it again immediately?
  10. Stannis seeing "Renly" is amazing. Goosebumps.
  11. What's this I feel? Do I actually LIKE Shae? It feels funny.
  12. I kinda love drunk Cersei. It's making up for tightly-laced Cersei of Season 1. Lena Heady is killing it.
  13. Word, Frisky. We don't need no stinking ghost army.
  14. You should just stay up and watch it now. That's how good it is.
  15. Stannis's grim lined mouth is PERFECT. He doesn't smile...but he ALMOST does.
  16. I am on pins and needles. The battle has not even started yet and this is already fucking EPIC.
  17. Hey HP! I honestly believe in aging up Robb (and all of the characters) giving him a plausible, straight-forward love story with Talisa makes sense to me. Given the fact that Old Man Frey is going to be SUPER pissed that Robb has chosen a dirty foreigner (Re: GWB voice there), it's going to be even more of an insult than marrying a girl from the same level house that they Freys are, and still serves the same purpose (at an even deeper level) - getting the Freys to host the RW. IMO, of course. :)
  18. Can we stop bitching about Robb and Talisa's scenes (I thoroughly enjoyed them tonight and completely understand the need to show Robb falling in love - esp. since they aged him up) and get to the matter at hand? The hottest chick on the show got NEKKID this week. Seriously. Oona is gorgeous. I may be girl-crushing. :drool:
  19. Oh, I agree. Maybe he can take the place of the Walders as Reek's favorite "pets."
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