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Everything posted by Ran

  1. The #gameofthrones Daily is out - read this Twitter newspaper on http://bit.ly/gGzxvx (15 contributions today)

  2. #BoardwalkEmpire's effects are stunning, and I suspect #GameOfThrones is going to be just as amazing. See this reel: http://ow.ly/3k9ub #HBO
  3. Less than 2 weeks for #GameOfThrones to wrap. I expect the mighty @conanstevens is or soon should be over there. And likely #LordTywin, too.

  4. The #gameofthrones Daily is out - read this Twitter newspaper on http://bit.ly/gGzxvx (9 contributions today)

  5. Less than 36 hours to @HBO's 15-minute "Inside Game of Thrones" program, starting at 8:45PM EST on Sunday. Excited yet? #GameOfThrones

  6. Via the ASoIaF forum, a link to this amazing #ASoIaF total conversion of Paradox's Crusader Kings: Deus Lo Volt -- http://ow.ly/3jJHB

  7. "You tell him he's bound on marching the wrong way. It's north he should be taking his swords. North, not south." - Osha, #GameOfThrones

  8. RT @kenplume An Evening w/ @hodgman: Social Networking! A GAME OF THRONES! Fan expectations! Jeff Goldblum! More! http://is.gd/i9D28 #ASoIaF

  9. The #gameofthrones Daily is out - read this Twitter newspaper on http://bit.ly/9elqR9 (10 contributions today)

  10. Hodor! RT @kristiannairn Brrrrrrr. For the first time im loving this wintery costume !!! #GameOfThrones

  11. Profiling Lysa Arryn: ... or the actress playing her, in any case. Kate Dickie is profiled in the... http://bit.ly/eq8i5P #gameofthrones

  12. "If you would take a man's life, you owe it to him to look into his eyes and hear his final words." -- Eddard Stark, #GameOfThrones

  13. The music for the teaser http://ow.ly/3iZ3S not from #GameOfThrones score. Composed by the fine people at @sencitmusic

  14. The #gameofthrones Daily is out - read this Twitter newspaper on http://bit.ly/gGzxvx (18 contributions today)

  15. More Cogman on Malta: HBO’s Making Game of Thrones official site has been updated with a brand ne... http://bit.ly/eKahZt #gameofthrones

  16. "Righteous in Wrath" is how @BryanCogman signed off his new MGoT post. Those would be the Hornwood words: http://ow.ly/3iqvs #GameOfThrones

  17. There was no Aenys II. I think while we know something of Aerys I, we don't really know how he acts at the end of his reign, which is a number of years in the future from when we last hear of him in "The Mystery Knight". Aenys I seems possible enough, I suppose. Don't really know much about his reign.
  18. It seems to me that if this story is true (and it's not clear that it is; it could be a confabulation on Axell's part as part of a dig at Davos, which was certainly the intent behind telling the story), that Aerys I seems like the likeliest of the Targaryen kings to carry on like this. Having no sons is, rather than a con, actually a pro -- it'd give him reason to "make up" a son by treating his pet monkey this way. And I expect he was rather mad, in his way. Alternatively, it wasn't actually a king, but a Targaryen prince I suppose... Then Rhaegal sounds as likely. BTW, for anyone else who heard the report, did the Targaryen king's name get mentioned, and can anyone else confirm it's the Snow Sept rather than the Snowy Sept?
  19. Early chapters in the books always cover some of the ground of previous books. It's how GRRM recaps rather than writing those 'What has come before' chapters some other authors do. It looks like this Davos chapter is giving us a recap of the situation in the North (specifically as it relates to the connection to events in the south), and some reminders of how events in the east may relate to the Seven Kingdoms. There's at least one more Davos chapter after this one. It does not involve Davos leading a fleet. That's all I'll say about that.
  20. That's the general gist of where many of us are going with this, yes. ;) Manderly fakes Davos's execution (how? probably using the fact that tarred hands and head are hard to identify ... maybe some random prisoner from the Wolf's Den is the lucky fellow who gets to take Davos's place?) to play the Iron Throne and bide his time until he can act. He sounds like he could end up following Stannis, if this proves to be right. What will Stannis do with a fleet, though, one wonders? Obviously, he's a skilled naval commander, as such things go, but I'm not sure there'll be a lot of scope for it just now.
  21. See, I knew there was a reference to the Freys somewhere that connected them to the bones. And now that I look at AFfC, yep, the Freys in White Harbor are the ones who confirm Davos's execution. So, are some of those 23 galleys flying the Frey/Lannister banner? Hrm...
  22. Wendel Manderly's bones are already at the Snow Sept (Snow Sept or Snowy Sept? I like the latter because one can see a parallel to the Starry Sept in Oldtown, what with the Manderlys hailing from the Reach), which probably helps give us a sense of timeframe between the Red Wedding and this chapter. Who brought them? Silent Sisters, usually. I do wonder if anyone else might have done so, however. Presumably they travelled by sea ... were all those ships Manderly's?
  23. Amazing report, Mastiff! The fleet -- a nice call back to ACoK -- and the fact that Wyman is building his strength (hiring any healthy man who can carry a spear) suggests Lord Manderly may prove a decisive fellow... whether he's doing the bidding of the new Warden of the North, King Stannis, or his own will. I don't know that anyone's deliberately sent out people to start spreading gossip about how Aegon might still be alive. I think it's entirely possible that this is genuine gossip and historical confusion, something GRRM's always made a point of. However, I wouldn't put it past Varys to have his informants doing just that. I firmly believe Young Griff is going to be passed off as Aegon, so either works for me. Of course, he could always surprise us and reveal the mummer's dragon is something else and that he's really Aegon. But I'm not holding my breath.
  24. Word has it George has (again) read at least part of the 2nd Davos Chapter, this time at the Days of Ice and Fire event. I notice that it seems we never got a thread started for Davos 2, even though he's read a part of it before, so here's the initial report we had from gedo way back in 2007 after GRRM's appearance in Second Life: I suspect this new reading would have covered rather more ground.
  25. It probably is movable. I'll need to look at the plugin to see how it places them.
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