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Everything posted by Nittanian

  1. The Guardians of Order RPG (2005) lists the Bar Emmons, Celtigars, Masseys, and Velaryons as bannermen of Dragonstone, while the Blounts, Brunes, Chelsteds, Farrings, Hayfords, Kettleblacks, Rosbys, Rykkers, Stokeworths, and Slynts are connected with King's Landing. The Green Ronin RPG (2009), on the other hand, associates the Bar Emmons, Celtigars, Sunglasses, and Velaryons with Dragonstone,. The book has the Blackfyres, Blounts, Boggs, Brunes, Buckwells, Byrches, Bywaters, Cargylls, Caves, Chelsteds, Chytterings, Crabs, Cresseys, Darklyns, Edgertons, Farrings, Follards, Gaunts, Hardys, Hartes, Hayfords, Hoggs, Hollards, Kettleblacks, Langwards, Mallerys, Mannings, Masseys, Pyles, Pynes, Rambtons, Rollingfords, Rosbys, Rykkers, Stauntons, Stokeworths, Thornes, and Wendwaters grouped with the capital. edit: The RPG books aren't canon, but some info may have been relayed by Ran.
  2. https://www.westeros.org/Citadel/SSM/Entry/Torcon_Toronto_Canada_August_28_September_1
  3. It has not been released in a text form by George. The attendees were asked to not record his reading, but someone did it anyway and then put their transcription on the internet. Separately, it was interesting listening to George pronounce some of the names. The one I distinctly remember was Aeron Greyjoy; while I always read the Damphair's name as Air-on, George pronounced it like our name Aaron.
  4. https://www.reddit.com/r/asoiaf/comments/3ddghq/no_spoilers_improved_search_functionality_on_a/ Not sure if /u/mrdziuban is still active...
  5. In case anyone is able to confirm, there is a question here about the correct publication date for Arms of the Kraken.
  6. Heh, that would explain images for Deepwood Motte (where is the wolfswood?) and the Three Sisters (doesn't look very insular), both uploaded by Igra without artist names. Separately, we have an image of the Drowned Crewman FFG card. The title and art make me think it is a sailor being killed by an enemy ironman, but the file's description states it is one of the drowned men (an acolyte).
  7. I thought I had remembered that being the case, but I wasn't able to find Ran's reply in a search this morning. Interestingly, the Green Ronin campaign guide uses a heraldic seahorse for the Velaryons (and doesn't depict the Mannings). This Fantasy Flight Games art uses the heraldic seahorse as well.
  8. GRRM explains why Dany's dragons (which appear in the story) have two wings and two legs on the cover. I wouldn't necessarily assume that a "realistic" approach is the same for all heraldry. House Brax, for instance, uses a horse-inspired unicorn for their sigil ("[Flement's] shield bore a unicorn sigil, and a spiral horn two feet long jutted up from the brow of his horsehead helm") in AGOT, but in-story unicorns appear to be shaggy, monstrous, and closer to goats than horses according to ADWD and TWOIAF. @Ran, do you recall if the Velaryon seahorse / Manning sea lion are supposed to be actual animals or heraldic?
  9. So Robert takes the throne in 283, Stannis builds a new fleet and takes Dragonstone in 284, and Robert grants castles to his brothers in 286/287 (if ACOK begins in 299)?
  10. AGOT has Jaime leading one army along the river road while Tywin and Kevan lead another army from the south (gold road?) toward the kingsroad and Harrenhal. After Jaime defeats Edmure, Tywin and Kevan begin subduing the castles of the river lords. Stone Hedge, Pinkmaiden, and Harrenhal are all south of the Red Fork. Jaime attributes the devastation in Blackwood Vale to his father. AFFC and ADWD don't indicate a location for Raventree in the riverlands. The Journeys map from TLOIAF shows Jaime as traveling north from Riverrun (to Raventree) and then east toward the Blue Fork (to Pennytree). If that is correct, then either Tywin/Kevan detoured north to personally subdue Raventree before arriving at the crossroads inn, or Tywin/Kevan remained south of the Red Fork and had smaller Lannister detachments travel north and capture Raventree in their name.
  11. "Under the Regents - The Hooded Hand", when Rhaena's future is discussed.
  12. Would it make sense to mention each on the other's page? Something like: "Ser Gyles, better known as Gyles Greycloak, was a member of the Kingsguard. It is possible he was the same person as Ser Gyles Belgrave." "Ser Gyles Belgrave was a knight from House Belgrave and a member of Aegon II Targaryen's Kingsguard. It is possible he was the same person as the Kingsguard knight called Gyles Greycloak."
  13. AFFC Jaime II FAB Aftermath - The Hour of the Wolf @Ran, would it be safe to assume these are the same individuals so we can merge "Gyles" and "Gyles Belgrave"?
  14. Thanks! Do you think it would be better to have separate pages or one page listing the differences?
  15. @Ran, just checking if you have any newer info regarding the Shetts. The Citadel's heraldry page lists House Shett of Gull Tower as "Three golden wings, bendwise, on checkered white and black". SSM from 2000 suggests the Shetts share control of Gulltown with the Graftons. The AFFC Appendix lists Damon Shett as the Knight of Gull Tower. TWOIAF confirms the Shetts controlled Gulltown prior to the Graftons. The Alayne sample, however, introduces Uther, the first Shett to appear in the story: "The pimply-ginger lad countered with nine white seagulls on a field of brown, which marked him for a Shett of Gulltown." The wiki currently assumes there are two branches, Gulltown and Gull Tower.
  16. I agree; another group with overcategorization is members of the Night's Watch (which can be narrowed down to builders/rangers/stewards). In contrast, I would keep members of the Kingsguard within that category as well as the higher Knights category, as we are introduced to several knights who become Kingsguard in the story and Sandor is not a knight.
  17. Where is it stated that Quellon Greyjoy was the grandson of Dagon the Last Reaver?
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