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Everything posted by Nittanian

  1. Hmm, I can see both sides. It would seem unnecessary for small trees like Qoren's, but could be useful for larger trees like Daemon Targaryen. Separately, should "drowned men" refer generally to the acolytes of the Drowned God's priests, or just to the Damphair's followers? AFFC and ADWD have only mentioned them in relation to Aeron, but IIRC he is also the only priest we've met in ASOIAF. TWOIAF mentions Maester Kirth's collection of ironborn legends, Songs the Drowned Men Sing.
  2. Looks great, excellent job! Regarding articles which have been moved, it's more important to fix "double redirects" than it is to update links within other articles. That can be done, of course, but it shouldn't necessarily be a priority. Also, articles should be moved using the "Move" option which preserves edit history, rather than copy-and-pasting into a new article. Do you have an example handy for comparison?
  3. Castles have household guards and urban settlements have their city/town watch, but standing armies don't exist in Westeros. The Free Cities often hire free companies of sellswords. SSM: The Starks, for instance, can call upon holdfasts in the vicinity of Winterfell. If they need more men, they ask their vassal lords to raise their own levies.
  4. Rather than ordinals, maybe we should rename them to Vulture King (Aenys I), Vulture King (Jaehaerys I), Vulture King (Dance of the Dragons), Vulture King (Daeron II), etc.?
  5. Maybe include it within a larger "fratricidal war of the ironmen" which covers the Iron Islands' civil war after Harren's death? FAB mentions "The ironmen, their numbers diminished by a year of fratricidal war, put up little resistance ... indeed, many hailed the coming of the dragons."
  6. I agree they most likely were founded by First Men (especially the Hornwoods), but I think we should be cautious about including them in the category without a source. @Ran, would you happen to know more about them? Also, http://www.westeros.org/Citadel/Heraldry/Entry/House_Ryswell/ mentions Rodrik's quarrelsome cousins. This matches the appendices of AFFC and ADWD ("ROGER RYSWELL, RICKARD RYSWELL, ROOSE RYSWELL, his quarrelsome cousins and bannermen"), but contradicts ADWD Reek II ("A column of riders came wheeling up behind them, led by a lordling with a horsehead on his shield. One of Lord Ryswell's sons, Reek knew. Roger, or maybe Rickard. He could not tell the two of them apart.") and ADWD Reek III ("Barbrey Dustin is my second wife's younger sister, Rodrik Ryswell's daughter, sister to Roger, Rickard, and mine own namesake, Roose, cousin to the other Ryswells.").
  7. The Cerwyns, Hornwoods, Mormonts, and Ryswells are included in "Category:Houses of First Men origin". Should they be removed from that category since we don't know when they were founded?
  8. Besides being Lord of White Harbor, should it be assumed that Theomore also held the other titles claimed by Wyman (Warden of the White Knife, Shield of the Faith, etc.)?
  9. In the quote, Barristan states he had concerns about supporting Viserys because of his youth and his behavior. In contrast, Barristan felt that Robert was a chivalrous and merciful knight. That content is already in the wiki article, isn't it?
  10. ASOS Daenerys VI Maybe it should be reworded to "Barristan declined seeking out Prince Viserys Targaryen, as the young exile had already begun showing signs of Targaryen madness."?
  11. Hmm, the House Stark page is giving an odd error message in the References section with the usage of {{ref|TWOIAF| The North: The Kings of Winter}}.
  12. I concur as well. Similar info was added to Jon Snow and Maekar I Targaryen.
  13. It seems that YD was killed by one of the spearwives, but I don't think we know which woman. While Rowan adamantly denies they are to blame for killing Little Walder, Theon is skeptical of their denials they killed the other men (She would never believe his denials, any more than he believed hers.).
  14. "Members of the Night's Watch" can also be trimmed down if we know the member's order.
  15. Many of the articles about battles list Houses which possibly participate in a specific battle, rather than only listing Houses with confirmed involvement. For instance, the "fall of Harrenhal" article includes Burleys, Condons, Dustins, Lockes, Norreys, and Stouts. Arya observes the night-time arrival of Vargo Hoat's "prisoners" in ACOK Arya IX: We thus have confirmation of Glovers, Freys, Karstarks, Boltons, and Cerwyns. Roose arrives at dusk the day after Arya's weasel soup, so most of his soldiers are not involved in the fall of Harrenhal. Even though it might make sense for a House to be involved in a conflict, I think it would be better if battle articles only list canon involvement.
  16. The ships category can also be trimmed down into subcategories (galleys, dromonds, etc.).
  17. Might it be good to trim down the Battles category by subcategorizing by location? (Category:Battles in the north, Category:Battles in the westerlands, etc.)
  18. Do we know if Ronard the Bastard, one of the Storm Kings, ruled as Ronard Storm or Ronard Durrandon?
  19. So instead of it would be better to this?
  20. Quotes involving more than one <br> break aren't displaying correctly (in my Chrome Portable), with the final line lacking italics and not being aligned with the preceding lines. Examples include Moqorro & Tyrion speaking in the "Euron Greyjoy" article and Balon & Theon speaking in the "Balon Greyjoy" article. The ''Davos Seaworth" article has examples with Melisandre & Davos, Jared & Davos, and Cersei's small council.
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