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Sellsword (3/8)

  1. Yeah, consider my expectations subverted once again. I thought she'd ignore the bells and go for Cersei in the Red Keep. I expected to see some innocent people dying as a result of that and it would be bad. But she carpet-bombed the city and took her very sweet time even getting to the Keep (almost giving Cersei time to escape which would just beat all). I honestly don't understand how this ties into getting vengeance, even deadly vengeance.
  2. Daenerys has to die for this to happen and Varys is planning for that, which is why Tyrion was begging him at the end of their conversation. I suppose Varys is back to trying to kill Daenerys as he tried all those years ago when she was a baby. I was bothered by the argument that a marriage won't work because she'd be too strong-willed a woman.
  3. bullying is a natural consequence of being fat and the best tactic is to lose weight, #thingsfatpeoplearetold in child psychology textbooks

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