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Everything posted by Milo

  1. True, Frey is the god of light rains and the harvest in general, but this has little to do with House Frey, meanwhile Freyja is Frey's sister. This could still very well be a reference.
  2. Haven't read all 31 pages so I don't know if this has been mentioned, but in AFFC there are a few very obvious references to the wars of the roses. There is a chapter from the POV of Arianne entitled "The Princess in the Tower." This refers to the princes in the tower from Richard III's reign in England. Some chapter in AFFC (I think it was an Arys one) ended by mentioning a kingsguard knight from The Dance with Dragons who was called the Kingmaker. This is a reference to the Earl of Warwick in Shakespeare's Henry VI plays. who was also called the Kingmaker because throughout the course of the Wars of the Roses he switched sides many times, and whoever he supported generally had the crown.
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