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Posts posted by Nahlim

  1. @Nahim

    First - i did criticize the show - a lot. Not by just stating my feelings about it but by providing arguments why something is badly done.

    Which is something youre apparently incapable of.

    The strawman argument is not an insult - it is what you are doing.

    What exactly am I doing? I have criticized what needed to be criticized (maybe not in this topic), but I have the right to like the show and try to understand why the writers are doing the things they are doing. Also, I have the right to not give a damn that the show is making some big changes. But if I decide to keep watching, I am not going to come here and cry about everything I didn't like.

    Also, you didn't see me quoting everyone who said something I disagree with and telling them they are crazy and/or stupid for thinking so.

    I am sorry I suggested that you should not watch the show if you don't like it and if it aggravates you. Please do watch and maybe throw a chair into your tv/computer the next time you feel annoyed because D&D have made a not so smart decision or have changed something that you think was not supposed to be changed.

  2. Never mistake my interest in my own well being for alturistic interest in yours. The only reason I don't want you to spend time watching a show you don't like is it reduces the risk of me having to encounter your bitching and complaining on the internet, or in real life, which in turns makes my day-to-day experience more pleasant, as well as yours.

    That's pretty much it. xD

    And criticizing is okay. Hell, I've done it too for the final episode. But jaqhen here didn't criticize the show, he went and tried to dispute everyone's argument, not by facts, but by his personal views. That's just bitching around.

    And I'm pretty sure he intended to insult me a little with the "strawman argument" thing, but it's fine. I'm just such a nice person. :P

  3. jaqenhghar, my word of advice to you is - stop watching the show. No one is forcing you to. Read the books a 1000 times and be happy with them. Why would you watch something that annoys you?

    No one says that you should watch the show just because you read the books. If you don't like it, don't watch and chill. You don't have a responsibility as a fan to set things right.

    Oh, and Dany's dragons were fed by her.They didn't eat for themselves. They were babies and couldn't breathe fire. She was probably roasting the meet for them herself.

  4. Dany, throughout the series, has shown that she is impervious to heat (boiling bath water, bonfire, hot eggs, etc.). It's established to the viewers now. She isn't going to get a 2nd degree burn of one of her own dragons.

    I think she is impervious to dragonfire in the books, too. ADWD Spoiler:

    When she faced Drogon in the arena it is said that her hair burned down, but she was fine.

    As for her arc in the second season, I think the whole point of it was her getting involved in politics and schemes, so she can learn a lesson there as well.

    I like when things are different in the show because it keeps me interested in watching it.

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