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Curly Girl

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Everything posted by Curly Girl

  1. Hey All, I'm Marisa from Plymouth, Massachusetts. I feel a little late to the party, but very happy to be here. Despite reading quite a bit of fantasy throughout different points of my life I somehow managed to miss this series until AGOT came on HBO. Since then I've read all the books twice & stumbled onto westeros.org, then here in an attempt to find people that share my love (or obsession) for this story, as despite belongjng to 2 bookclubs, I have only 1 friend that has read the books & only a few friends that watch the series:( clearly I'm not hanging out with the right kind of people;) I'm a social worker by nature & profession. & the characters in this story really appeal to me... Even the awful, heartless, unsavory ones:) GRRM is brilliant at creating full, rich characters. And i love how you can never count any of them out... Anything can change in Westeros or in seven books so it seems. I also love the variety of people who have come together from all over the world to share their thoughts ideas. Look forward to reading them all in the forum.
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