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Everything posted by RumHam

  1. I didn't know there was one. I don't see why not, maybe use spoiler tags if you want to be careful. I think I'd argue that any information Showtime is willing to put in a trailer probably isn't considered a spoiler.
  2. Seems like a big line to cross for not a lot of meat. But then I'm not starving in the woods. The next episode is called "Burial" though. Though that probably refers to Lottie's weird "bury people alive" therapy we briefly saw.
  3. Yes they lie to other characters, but there's no indication that the 1996 timeline is being narrated, or even is someone's memory or their collective memories edited together. It's not even like Lost where they'd focus on someone's face and do a sound effect to suggest "this person is remembering this event from their life." I just don't see any reason to be suspicious of what we're being shown in the woods. Apart from the hallucinations or dreams and stuff.
  4. I agree they're all unreliable, I just don't think of them as narrators for the most part. Other than the story Lottie told Nat about the night Travis died that I think some of us doubted was the whole story. Apart from the halucinations and fantasies I take what we see on camera at face value.
  5. Can you run as fast as you did in 1993? Plus lets be fair she's technically a genetically engineered imbred monster. It's kind of amazing she didn't get hip dysplasia while she was still in her prime.
  6. I wish I could come around to this way of thinking but part of my brain will always view shows like this as a puzzle (thanks, LOST!) and I really dislike the idea of like a floating "unreliable narrator" concept. The Tai and Shauna things were effective and fair game because they told us right after. It was a short term thing. kind of an old TV trope. I don't have time for "crystal was never real" kinda stuff. or like "we don't know this really happened, because only _______ was there." If something is a hallucination it should be subtly apparent* or revealed as such before the episode ends. So sayth the rules I just made up as someone who watches too much TV. *One thing I recently read, never noticed and now appreciate is that on 90's Star Trek, whenever there was a "oh wow, it turns out we've been in the holodeck the whole time!" rug pull, they'd abstain from the usual act break "Look at the enterprise flying through space" establishing shots during the simulation.
  7. I don't even think three is that bad as "movies about dinosaurs eating people" go. There's just that really stupid bit where the raptors decide it would take too long to murder the humans, because they have to go. That almost maybe kinda could have worked if they established that the raptors in the first movie were "the most vicious creatures anyone has ever seen" because of their captivity and lack of hunting and sex. I could then see a wild raptor who just ate sparing some humans being plausible. I also find it odd that when they're in the lab someone says "hey that dinosaur wasn't on InGen's list!" and Dr Grant is like "Makes you wonder what else they were up to here..." (paraphrasing) and the payoff is ....nothing at all. But it's so much better than the new ones. If they ever make another one, I hope they just let the T-Rex rest. She's saved the humans in the climax of three movies now! It was only cool in the original.
  8. I think all we've really gotten is that scene in the pilot suggesting her mom is a major alcoholic. I also saw someone theorizing that her face will be eaten by wolves again, because adult Van's scars are worse than young Van's I'm still curious about the timeline, I know they were there for two winters. So does that suggest a "spring" period where human flesh is off the menu for a while, and then the murder only starts during winter 2? I also kinda wonder why they didn't just write it so Misty gave Crystal a little shove. That seems like it would have been a good first murder!
  9. Man they need to make a Dino-Riders movie.
  10. Another one, and it's just the editing, but when Hammond is introduced his helicopter lands and they rush over to get them to shut the rotors off and the pilot points and Hammond is already in their trailer somehow. It's really kinda a sloppy movie, I wonder if he was distracted by Schindlers List during editing.
  11. Sneaking is weird in those movies. I'll never understand how the earth shaking t-rex sneaks up on them in the first movie. Indoors.
  12. I can't say I noticed at the time, but yeah I can't find it anywhere. Maybe the promo people are on a sympathy strike. Man young Shauna is really having a rough season.
  13. Watching American Beauty for the first time since the Kevin Spacey stuff came out is weird as hell. It didn't bother me with L.A. Confidential but yeah this is weird.
  14. I'm on your side here, but I feel the need to point out that last episode I did tag my Friday comments and you still clicked the tag and got spoiled
  15. I always put my day of Picard comments in a tag though, cause it takes two seconds and if it spares one person getting upset, that's worth it.
  16. If you use your activity feed though I think it just shows up if you're following the thread. Plus personally I still forget it comes out friday and click before watching. Though I don't mind spoilers and sometimes seek them out.
  17. I know people don't like when a thread is 90% spoiler tags, but it seems like such a small inconvenience compared to having a show you like spoiled before you've had a chance to watch it.
  18. I remember the first DVD I bought was Oceans 11. We didn't have a DVD player but I was confident my fancy new laptop would play it. it would not. some codec bullshit.
  19. Oh shit, really? That's awesome. I haven't figured out fishing yet. I just recently realized you can craft rope. It was my main bottleneck as I thought you had to get it from barrels and crates. I do have one question, I see rocks, mufflers, other pieces of scrap metal in the shallows. When I mouse over them I see the hook icon. I cannot figure out how to "mine" them though. Rock is probably my second biggest bottleneck and while it's just sitting there I can't figure out how to get it.
  20. I think I'm late on this but Raft is a really cool game. It's the minecraft formula but your base is a raft so it's kinda like Wind Waker in how you sail around looking for islands. There's also a research bench you can build and I gather some really fancy stuff you can make down the line. I can't even figure out how to smelt ore yet. Killed a shark though!
  21. I made that connection, or assumption really. I'd just never seen her in anything else but Pulp Fiction and apparently an episode of Hannibal. I couldn't tell you which one or who she played though.
  22. I think he did in one sense at least though. Unless I'm reading the "Kerry wants to be a new anchor" thing wrong. I don't think he liked thinking people were laughing at him, or thought he was foolish.
  23. Holy shit, Vadic is "Hunny Bunny" the diner robber from Pulp Fiction. The voice cued me in before I could even see her face well.
  24. So Zelda leaked. It doesn't run on the Yuzu emulator yet, and runs like crap on the other one for now. I'll be curious to see if they get it properly playable on the steam deck before it even comes out.
  25. According to wikipedia tonight's episode is called "Living+" Heres hoping we get Brian Cox back as Logan's Westworld robot. They uploaded scans of his brain to it, but it just stands there repeating "fuck off."
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