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Everything posted by FirelordSylar22

  1. I would personally like to thank the posters on this thread and a couple other nonbook spoiler threads for spoiling the lady stoneheart stuff. Thanks guys, you all rock.
  2. Really liked it, but not sure the end scene was epic enough to leave us on. S1 we had the dragons S2 we has the White Walker with the army of he dead. Seems just like an odd place to end it. Still really liked the episode though.
  3. Anybody else get he double meaning with the title? Lots of stuff about sons. Gendry being Roberts son The second sons of course Tyrion and sansa were supposed to try and make a son Lots of son talk in the sam scene
  4. Loved the episode. Couple of questions Is Mero that much of a dick in the books? I saw a lot of people questioning the Daario casting, so how did it hold up to the book character. I personally enjoyed is suave swashbuckling performance.
  5. Pretty much what they said. Perfect from start to finish.
  6. *Blows the horn 3 times.* The White Walkers are here.
  7. Can't believe this has to constantly be repeated. BUDGET RESTRAINTS!! Contrary to your belief, CGI cost money, good CGI cost a lost of money. David and Dan had to beg and plead with HBO for extra money to film what they did film, would the chain have been cool to see, yea, but it didn't matter, the result was the same. The battle was far from dumb and cheesy and far from me "cheaply made". Nothing about this show is cheaply made
  8. Who the hell rated this episode a 6 and a 4?
  9. I was under the impression, she just didn't trust him completely, and was frightened.
  10. People better be thanking David and Dan who went to HBO and begged for the extra time and money to film this battle.
  11. The scene with the wildfyre was fucking insane. That looked like something out of a huge epic movie.
  12. One of the best episodes of any series ever.
  13. As someone who came in through the show, and only read the first book after season 1 ended, I personally thought it was an amazing episode. I love the episodes of shows where we as the viewer know something is about to happen as do the characters, and everything seems just calm, but you can tell that shit is about to hit the fan. Calm before the storm. I can understand some book purist disliking changes(I am a hardcore fan of the Harry Potter series and of course some of the changes to the films angered me, some were understandable, some were stupid.), but as a fan of the show, this is some of the best television I have ever seen, and until it stops being enjoyable, I will continue to love it no matter what they do. Good television is good television, no matter where it comes from. Hope that slightly coherent. Also, on a side note, it angers me that on this entire site their are very few threads I can visit, I now officially hate the phrase "BOOK SPOILERS"
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