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Everything posted by I'm_Tim

  1. It was pretty obvious that he was screwed. He knew it. She knew it.
  2. They never showed her descent? Seriously? The woman that was imprisoned, drank water off a dirty floor, admitted to having an affair with her cousin and forced to walk naked through the city while having literal shit thrown on her? That woman? That wasn't a descent? What in the actual fuck do you want?
  3. They wanted a great TV shot on TV? Oh the humanity. LOL. To me it seemed like Stannis knew he was marching to his death. He was completely broken. He had a hand in murdering his daughter, the only person he loved, he lost his army and his wife. He looked like a hopeless, broken man that was past the point of return. He was consumed by taking the throne and his willingness to do anything to achieve that goal left him a shell of a man.
  4. The Cersei flashback was a refresher for everyone that her kids and relationship have been an important catalyst in everything that's happened in the story. It's also showing her as vulnerable and introducing her descent.
  5. I'm talking about the vitriol spewed from the 'book purists,' as if the vast majority of us haven't read the books multiple times. If a poster openly proclaims they quit watching the show, yet shows up after every episode to belittle the show and those that, heaven forbid, actually enjoy it, they're trolling. I think Feast is a really poorly structured and written book. Yet, I don't go to the forum daily to remind everyone that I think it was a massive disappointment. That would be trolling, and I'm not here to ruin everyone's time.
  6. Pretty much. Every week I lurk a little only to discover, yet again, a small group of people going out of their way to ruin the forum. Some of them have declared that they know longer watch the show, yet have 18k+ posts on the board. That's just pathetic. It's a shame I know of no other outlet to discuss the show and the books. Lord knows, I'm a simpleton who doesn't understand the complexities of pages upon pages discussing lemon cakes, pigeon pies and finding out where whores go, but I'd still like to discuss Game of Thrones. Then again, I did read Feast and Dance twice, so clearly I'm a glutton for punishment.
  7. TL;dr . I thought you stopped watching the show. You've been adamant about not watching the show and trying to ruin it for the viewers. So now you are watching the show? Your trolling is tiresome.
  8. I'm not sure why you're on a crusade to make this forum so negative that people avoid it, but you're doing a bang up job.
  9. Having a dire wolf pull her body out of the water does nothing for non-readers. It's only important to us because we know what happens. People have to remember that this show isn't made for us.
  10. I was joking. It isn't like the Ironborn are known for making good decisions though.
  11. Was there anything you liked about the show...ever?
  12. The Ironborn give zero fucks. It took 12 of them to take Winterfell.
  13. You've read the next 2 books? Amazing.
  14. I'm guessing they introduce Coldhands next season. He'll save Bran when they encounter their first Other.
  15. I loved that scene too. I wish she would have gone on a bit more honestly. Something about the Ironborn being bad asses. The non book crowd needs to understand that the Ironborn don't fuck around.
  16. Great end to a fantastic season.
  17. Overall, they've done an absolutely fantastic job adapting the story and streamlining some story lines. My only criticism is that they seem to have dropped the Umber's, which for me, will take away from some of the impact of the Red Wedding. Of all the Stark bannermen, they seemed to be the most loyal.
  18. I'm guessing this is going to be a plot point and the girl really is Jeyne. They'll use it as more motivation for the Northern lords to betray Robb. He went back on his oath, married a Lannister and did it in light of the seven.
  19. Visualizing the prophecies in the House of the Undying may have revealed too many spoilers for both book readers and the non-book readers.
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