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Everything posted by Paeon

  1. Tywin did not say the Lannisters are broke, but said that there is no NEW gold being mined. As in they will be broke in the future unless they continue to make moves such as a marriage alliance with the Tyrells.
  2. I always assumed that the babies were made into Others. But I thought it was a spoiler since they revealed that the white walkers are taking commands from someone else. Something that is much more human than the white walkers. Also I don't think at all that the baby was turned into a WW as those seem much more like magical constructs than a living breathing creature. Seems that humans can potentially be transformed into that devil looking creature instead which looks more human than a WW. Most importantly this has big implications for the rest of the book as now the battle we will be seeing at the wall won't just consist of a bunch of mindless white walkers herding zombies to the wall, but there are actually intelligent beings on the other side to contend with.
  3. As a book reader I thought the final scene was a big spoiler since it confirms that there is another power behind the white walkers controlling them which may imply some type of intelligence (rather than just some deadly force of nature as the white walkers have seemed so far). Sure we have heard of the "Great Other" but I always thought it was implied that it was a "god" like figure that was worshiped by the white walkers in comparison to Rhllor being worshiped by humans. The thing that touched the baby was obviously not a white walker, and there were many of them in the distance so we may have the creatures which worship the great other. And they were not children of the forest either which pretty much kills theories that they controlled the WW's too.
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