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Everything posted by DarkAndFullOfTurnips

  1. Well he's a drunk, he whores around a lot, he hires a guy to "Kill people that annoy" him, he constantly defies his father (ill-made spiteful creature). Sure he's kind and thoughtful but the difference between the show and the book is that we don't see the results of his disregard for people's lives that Bronn alludes to, and he's much less selfish. I think Dinklage could easily pull off the darker Tyrion but a lot of those Storylines that show that side of him are sort of boring and unnecessary to film. I think the more interesting events that turn Tyrion sour are going to be pulled of well, and it will be somewhat gradual. I don't see Tyrion instantly turning into Tyrion I in aDwD.
  2. He could ask next episode if they have a scene. Did Locke and his men...dishonor you? No, good. I only rescue maidens. I doubt it will happen though, since Jaime doesn't seem like he'd want to provoke her by asking.
  3. I agree that it's far too late to go into it, but it really detracts from her character when we see her basically being not a whore but still a whore with no real backstory to make her even somewhat likable or reasonable.
  4. This is odd to say after the first episode in recent memory that actually mentions his carnal, darker side. You also have the benefit of looking at him through aDwD eyes where he truly degenerates. By the time he kills Shae (will definitely happen by the way - the chain is proof enough) and his father he will be at around the same point. I'm glad they never made him into a respectable warrior like the book does, though. I will never argue that up until now he's much more likable but to some degree that adds more power to his downward spiral.
  5. I'm going to declare that I dislike the Shae character because she's the worst whore in the world but the actress conveys that role adequately based upon the writing she's given. She's jealous, no bullshit, extremely sexual, impatient, and frustrated. I think she pulls that off well enough. But at some point I started to question if she's ever actually been a whore before. We had some vague mentions of her past but they kind of dropped it. At this point I'd like to know who the hell she actually is so I can actually appreciate the character more. Why was she so defensive about her parents? Why is she even in Westeros? Are they just going to drop these things?
  6. It is the lowest for this season and second lowest overall. At least it was about 100 or so votes ago. Part of that is the high expectations people had for it based on GRRM writing the episode and it being the seventh, rather than the first couple which we know are build-up episodes, so it's a bit skewed in that respect.
  7. The only major moment was the Bear part, though. But even for a "slower" episode the dialogue just went in weird directions. - Why did they decide to make Osha hate the Reeds? Every week it's the same...Osha is suspicious, acts a little crazy, nothing really happens. If they just got along they could actually insert some dialogue that's interesting. - Then Sansa and Marg...I love both the actresses but surely Marg could've comforted her at the wedding. - Blackfish telling everyone how much he hates Walder Frey while Cat says he's prickly...yeah we get it. I think it was a good thing to bring back up how much of a bastard he is, but how about some real dialogue and not something about wet shits. Let Cat speak as well. - Does anyone really care about Orell's feelings at this point? This episode was set up for a lot of powerful dialogue that sets up the epic finish. But instead we got some pretty decent seems and some just flat out awkward scenes where no one really said anything remarkable or impressive and everything just seemed like something we'd seen before. On the bright side E08 should have a ton of events occurring. I was still entertained, but keeping my initial rating of 6 as a standalone episode.
  8. I still can't figure out why we didn't have Sansa and Tyrion's wedding this episode.
  9. Because none of that stuff has happened yet at the point the story's reached. Oberyn will show up to KL next season for the wedding and we don't know anything of Myrcella in Dorne until AFFC.
  10. LOL she had a wooden sword against a bear. They showed her besting Loras and Jaime, killing three Stark soldiers at once, and constantly remarking about how she's underestimated for being a woman. I think her combat prowess is quite obvious.
  11. Pretty strange episode. Splitting this aSoS into two seasons was a mistake. Initially feels like a 6 but I'll rewatch it tomorrow.
  12. Selling out by definition is doing something uncharacteristic for money. But anyways, they gave up Gendry for God, plus there was some money in it. I thought they made that pretty clear.
  13. This issue being you read the books and are not indicative of the general viewership as I was stating in my original post. I get it that we want it one way, and would much prefer if it. Also Cersei being forward is not really weird. Littlefinger openly threatening the Queen is weird.
  14. I could understand the ship thing but everything else is pretty out there. I can't imagine myself enjoying a show without getting those details, so for all the complaining I do about dumbing things down and not being subtle, I suppose they really need to do it.
  15. He doesn't have to show her anything. Why does he have to whip something out? The scene was an example of the writing being a bit weak, since we don't need to have him remind us hey by the way I got this seemingly useless dagger. I like how the show doesn't always spell everything out and lets you connect the dots. So that scene, among others, was a bit weak for me.
  16. Bran and co. do very little from aSoS to aDwD in terms of actual events. They venture around in the wild, save Jon through Summer (Which I think may still happen), meet some creep riding an elk and pass under the wall to hide in a cave so Bran can become a tree. They're just inventing stuff at this point to keep him relevant. Remember the next Season also has aSoS extend into it so there's plenty of time to convey the same things we see in Bran's PoV. The trouble is these invented scenes are pretty dull.
  17. I will echo Lucifer's (oh boy) sentiment that this episode was too much of a handhold even though it's a setup episode. Very little subtlety and it was sort of a "Hey remember this" a few times, but since I'm not a producer or writer perhaps you really need to do those things for the general viewership. Sam's dagger was the worst offender. Like hey Gilly I found this seemingly useless arrowhead! Everybody pay attention because it becomes important."
  18. Lol honestly though it was kind of hilarious watching him barge in like an idiot with Shae standing there as she's undressing, given that conversation he and Shae had about Sansa. I know it's vile and offensive and super misogynistic but it was hilarious.
  19. He actually talks quite normally. That's his Iron Islander accent he's putting on lol. I was surprised when I heard him in interviews.
  20. Well, if Robb saying "The man whose daughter I was supposed to marry, Walder Frey" isn't enough of a clue for people then they just don't pay attention. That only happened 8 days ago.
  21. Did you read them after they all came out recently? Because your complaint about not seeing one character for one episode is silly when simultaneously complaining that they are deviating too much. Theon needs to have his torture at least introduced to the audience for the sake of television. It does not work like it does when reading a book.
  22. They aren't going to show Theon getting tortured every episode for the next 2 seasons so when we meet him again and he's broken, we know how and why it happened and can then sort of piece together what happened in between, since we don't have access to all of Theon's thoughts like we do in the books.
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