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Everything posted by teej6

  1. I gave the episode a 10. The acting/action sequences were all good. But I must say when it ended I felt something was missing. The episode was really good but had they built up the Wall story in prior episodes it would have been even better. Then, they could have ended this with the Jon/Mance parley and then Stannis riding in. I guess they wanted it to be a Jon Snow centric episode, which btw Kit handled quite well except for his reaction to Ygritte's death. And the music wilding attack music was epic.
  2. Yeah, I was thinking the same. Jon clearly makes that point.
  3. What I don't understand is why did D&D cast an actor with the caliber of Dillane and then give him so little or pointless screen time.
  4. Yes, they spent far too much time on Sam and Gilly. Not saying I didn't like the scene but considering how they could have had more time to show Jon/Mance parley and then Stannis, I think they could have tightened the episode better
  5. They may just end up showing him riding in with his banners 😞
  6. So do you think Mance not being able to negotiate and have the upper is a good or bad thing?
  7. If they could only limit Dany and Mereen next week to 5 mins. Wishful thinking I know.
  8. Agreed. I liked the Jon volunteering bit as well. And also this is Jon's moment to shine but as another poster said earlier they could have build this over a few episodes prior. (We really didn't need Missandei/Greyworm luv scenes and such pointless fillers.) And in this episode they could have ended the whole Wall story with Stannis riding in at the end. Too many things happening next week. It will be another episode where they hop from scene to scene and ultimately Stannis most rewarding scene in books will not have the impact it had in the books.
  9. I though it was 10 mins more. Even if it is 15, too many loose end to tie. How are they going manage it. And I thought I saw a scene with Jamie and Cersie in next week's preview. How much can they show of Stannis. one thing's sure, no LC election this season
  10. I hope you are right. But there's too much happening in the finale. How are they going to give screen time to Stannis and the Wall. Besides, we all know that d&d aren't very fondof Stannis. Unless they want to gjve 5 mins to Danny next week, I don't see how it's going to work.
  11. Kit Harrington was good though. I liked the episode. Would have been better if there was Stannis & Co in the end.
  12. No Stannis, seriously! I mean how are they going to manage to show it all next episode.
  13. Again, most people get the point of the beetle story but that still doesn't change the fact that it was a tad too long and tedious to sit through
  14. On the beetle monologue: tell that to Florina Laufeyson. this individual thinks that it's writing genius and anyone who disagrees is an unintelligent viewer.
  15. Ok, enough with the people who don't get the beetle story are stupid line. I think most people do understand the point of it and it's not like it's so hard to understand. The point is, it was terribly long and dragged on when the whole point could have been made in a minute or less.
  16. Sansa states that Lysa did what her father commanded her and then she says as many of us have. What does that imply? Poor Ned never commanded her to do anything. Did anyone catch that line. Did she say that for effect?
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