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Hedge Knight

Hedge Knight (5/8)

  1. Agreed. It must suck to always be disappointed. This was such a good episode. Great reactions all over the net from Sullied and Unsullied both.
  2. God that was the best episode of the season! I find myself saying that a lot this year.
  3. Jorah saved that scene with Dany, I agree. I don't know what's up with Dany, her acting imo has gotten noticably worse since getting to Meereen. It's like Emilia has read the books and knows she is supposed to get more unlikable? lol
  4. next week is memorial day weekend....
  5. I understand that Yara's exit should have been filmed better. It was an awkward cut. But I get what they were going for. The purpose of the scene came through with what came after with Reek/Ramsay. My biggest problem with the episode was Emilia's bad acting. Hizdhar was much better than he ever was in ADWD though.
  6. IT's not JUST the dogs, the rest of the Dreadfort men were coming too. You people wanted Yara to do a suicide mission to save someone that bit her. Yara is smarter than you.
  7. It's not running away scared. It's that she realized there was absolutely NO reason to fight anymore, Theon Greyjoy is dead. SMH at some of you who don't get this.
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