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Xray the Enforcer

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Posts posted by Xray the Enforcer

  1. In case anyone has forgotten: Pence and his terrible policies enabled the worst HIV epidemic in the US in recent years. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2015/04/28/indiana-hiv-outbreak/26498117/

    As such, while I'm glad that the Trevor Project is getting some much-needed visibility, I'm also really glad to see Oliver and his team acknowledge more of Pence's sins than just the homophobic bigotry. 

  2. I think it's unwise to take that data in a vacuum. If you subbed in "atheist" or "Jew" or "Muslim" in any of those questions, you'd see a similar jump in people willing to admit that they're retrograde dipshits. As such, while it's depressing, it's part of our dumpster-fire cultural zeitgeist, rather than growing animus against LGBTQ+ people in particular. And, yes, I do think that's an important distinction.

  3. Reminder: This thread is for the discussion of issues relating to the lives of LBGTQ+ (lesbian, bisexual, gay, transgender/transsexual, queer/questioning) people. This thread aims to be a supportive space for issues on sexuality and gender identities. Please do not post comments that negate, belittle, or insult people's chosen identity.

    This thread operates with a number of givens, including (but not limited to): that equal marriage rights are human rights, and thus are not subject to debate in this thread; that bisexuality is a legitimate orientation and is not up for debate in this thread; among others. This is not an exhaustive list, and it is up to the mods' discretion what is or isn't a legitimate avenue of debate. 


  4. [mod] OK. As entertaining (from the outside) as this interlude has been, it's pretty much derailed the thread. Please take the derail elsewhere. A thread where people voluntarily post their work to be critiqued would not be amiss, although I would draw the line at ridiculing work that was not voluntarily posted for critique. :) And please cease with the personal insults as well. Thank you. [/mod]

  5. Hey Kal -- that is a known problem. Which Android and browser version are you using? (FWIW, I have no problems logging into the forum with my Android phone using Chrome)

  6. I am currently working on tweaking the skin colours a bit, yes. The collapsible part...that was probably just not showing up so well on the black.


    I too was wondering if I was losing my mind. :)

  7. Hi, 

    Previously on the forum there was a link for the IRC chat channel #westeros. It's no longer there - now there are only options for Westeros/Forums/Wiki/MUSH. 

    Is there still a link for this chat kicking about somewhere that I haven't seen, or is it likely to be restored if and when this forum is converted to something else?



    That's a really good question. I don't have that IRC link saved either....

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