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  1. Loras is the only Tyrell son on the TV show, he rocks Renly's armor, and he isn't in the Kingsguard so he can inherit. They mention Dorne when sending off Myrcella. I think they will probably start up again a lot with the planning of Joffrey's wedding, but I don't think they have cast any of the Martell's so we wont see them until next season. I assume that also means Joffrey will make it to next season.
  2. That's what I thought. Just someone in the world saw all the Karstarks rush off. Karstark being executed is kind of a big deal. I am sure lots of Ravens went out. I don't think there is anything nefarious about Robb's wife. I think they just thought it would be more interesting and less complicated for her to be a foreigner with no real back story.
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