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Everything posted by Tyrions_Big_Toe

  1. Hardly if Sansa's most important plot line is to mother the heir of Winterfell.
  2. Although the Sansa rape scene was horrible I think it is necessary to the plot. She was obviously never going to willingly have sex with Ramsey but if she gets pregnant then she will be mother to the heir of winterfell after Roose and Ramsey finally snuff it. I hate the idea of the heir to winterfell not being a stark, however the child will have stark blood so that helps. You can't justify rape but I don't believe it was pointless
  3. This makes sense as seeing Gendry was what led Ned to the truth of Cersei's incest
  4. Also did anyone pick up on mel saying to stannis something about a vessel of light coming to him? I've seen people discussing seeing fire in stannis' camp in a preview. Maybe a dragon? Didn't spare the idea any thought at first but after that it got me wondering...
  5. Stannis won't burn shireen because if he did then he would win, and that is too easy. He's gonna make the ultimate sacrifice and NOT burn Shireen and lose everything he's been striving towards. Gonna be a bitter/sweet ending for him.
  6. We've seen Jaime go from Westeros' most hated man to a pretty sound guy, no reason why we can't see Dany go from the one everyone loves to the one everyone hates. And she's less boring crazy
  7. Looks like Sams getting carted off to Old Town to pop his cherry! And maybe discover something about killing Others or whatever, one step at a time Sam
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