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Everything posted by staffred

  1. @jackvegaskungen vsg! @EmmaJPersson @GHulting87 @triumfvagn

  2. @triumfvagn @rdykh där satt den!

  3. vad tror ni robotdammsugarna tror att de ska ha ER till? har ni tänkt på det?

  4. @hannesdukler hon vill ju inte förknippas med pippi hela tiden säger hon ju hela tiden.

  5. How are you not all building temples for worship of Cersei? Her talking about Joffrey as a baby was pure gold. Everything about her was beyond perfect in this episode (and almost always are). And as a not yet book reader I'm glad to finally learn what happened to the ironborn at Winterfell.The ending however... they aimed for another dracarys moment and failed beyond belief. In all: 7/10.
  6. The only complaints I see are people being unhappy when the story drifts away ever so little from the books. I think Tyrion is more interesting than in the books. The same goes for Cersei. Both made more flawed and somewhat likeable and less plain evil/selfish.
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