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Everything posted by Greywolf2375

  1. I think Lysa's distaste for Sansa is already at 100% regardless of the story Petyr put together. Not really...Sandor knows a whole lot more about armor than Arya does, he knew pretty well she doesn't have the strength to shove that sword through his armor. If he had been wearing chain, maybe different conversation. It's interesting seeing the discourse over the years of "too much sex v. too much violence". This is one of the few times that they have really pushed the edge or gone over with overt violence. Yeah, I'm not seeing how anyone is calling what Cersei was doing "subtle". Either from the viewership perspective or the people she was talking to - Marg, to what I saw, sees right through it and throws the "sister" line back at her because she knows Cersei is trying to be buddy buddy.
  2. Her being crazy was on full display when we met her, it wasn't even much of a surprise when she completely lost it in her book arc either. This way people will have something to tie it to since we haven't seen her or Robin for a while.
  3. Now next week looks like fun. Kinda scary...season is already half over.
  4. well that was brutal. doesn't leave much room for him to have a dramatic recovery though.
  5. so they post no guards...so we're going to scream our attack cry to let them know we are coming!!
  6. So...is LF brother older and has the FIngers which is why we don't see them? Not that we needed to see that location, just seems weird to add an offscreen character here when Willas could have been added just as easily.
  7. so Petyr is again a smoker? and the Irish/Welsh/Scottish accent is gone?
  8. Is that Barristan saying the old houses will flock to her? Or someone else?
  9. "He would have been a fine man" Marg: "Are you insa....oh, right."
  10. oh no...no nudity...ratings will be down! and we won't get plot!
  11. Going 7/10 because there were too many little to medium things that detracted from a great episode for me. They may come up with a gangbusters reasoning behind everyone being at Crasters but right now a lot of that is falling flat for me. Jaime, Tyrion, Jon - all superb portayals. LF...just pick a freaking voice and stick with it. The leading of Jon for LC, Crasters...just not done well.
  12. it puts him in a leadership position, but for what Thorne thinks will either be a suicide mission or a miserable failure. If it's the former, he wins all around, if it's the latter he wins from the leadership perspective. I want to see how they play it out, but the fact that they are bringing up Jon as a potential for LC when there are other leaders far in front of him still feels hamfisted.
  13. but then how do they escape? Hodor has just been stabbed so he probably can't move as fast, I can't see them treating Meera...nicely. They may be able to escape, but will need to come up with something freaky - like Bran taking over a couple people, etc and the point that has been made is that it needs to be portrayed correctly. Or, horrors, we might even be able to ASSUME that the NW folk (some of whom are rapists) are continuing their practice, but doesn't need to be shown. where do you think the blood that said "Kill the Masters" came from? if you want to stop watching, go ahead. but please don't contriute to this Unsullied v. Reader BS that has been going on for 4 years. questioning changes is fine if they make no sense or question how things could happen, but the two media are separate. could be just because a new born just can't resist that sort of thing, like a cold they are more susceptible. breathe of fire. Like Ran said, would have been interesting for them to mimic it, but no. yeah, that is my question as well...where/how do they return or get back to Jorah's story line.
  14. maybe the magic starts extending to them once they are placed in the sacrificial spot......
  15. well isn't that just a thing. so they can "grow up" it looks like.
  16. if you're going to be snarky, at least use proper language. fixed it for you.
  17. very classy, thank you for adding that to the boards.
  18. oh, so there is a positive to living in Canada. :D
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