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Everything posted by HexMachina

  1. Why though? If by straying from the source material the show becomes illogical, that is a valid criticism.
  2. Even if the omissions make parts of the show seem illogical?
  3. So, we all have to praise the show and can't critique it at all? Even for omitting things/adding new scenes to the point where certain scenes make no sense or are illogical?
  4. She was sleeping with Lancel in Season 2
  5. ETA: I have to add the comment that this episode was hyped far too much, and not just by these forums. D and D claimed it was there best episode yet and submitted it for an Emmy. They built themselves up too much, and.as a result expectations were high. Sadly, I do not feel they lived up to thos expectations. I gave it a 6/10 and that is an optimistic vote, after I have had time to get past my initial annoyances. I'll give a breakdown to explain as best I am able to: Jon/Stannis/the Wall: Not massively impressive. Jon-Mance dialogue was fine, but where did Mance's Wildling army go? He seemed to have about 10 Wildlings left against the Stannis hordes, which detracted from Stannis' victory and made it much less impressive. Didn't enjoy the interactions of Davos Jon and Stannis at all. The rest didn't bother me too much I suppose. Bran/Meera/Jojen: *sigh* I had such high hopes for this, it had the potential to be incredible. I don't care that they cut Coldhands out at all, as I believe he is an insignificant character anyway who basically served the role of a guide. All was fine until we get the wight attack. They were flat out ridiculous, surely D and D knew how poor they looked? I know they are supposed to very decayed, but they looked ridiculous. And the CotF fireball attack was pathetic, out of character and frankly bizzare. Before the "OMG BOOK PURIST! KILL IT WITH FIRE!" brigade come along, I appreciated the death of Jojen as it saved the scene somewhat, making the cost of getting there more real. Also, offered us a chance to see Meera pull out some wonderful (albeit brief) acting skills. Dislike the CotF appearance, looked like pantomime costumes. The Cave set was wonderfully eerie, but Bloodraven was a let down, very much so. And the brushing off of the sacrifice of Jojen irked me too. Brienne/the Hound: I very much enjoyed the dialogue here, and after an initially shaky start (the sword fighting) the duel became wonderfully exciting. Enjoyable scene that undoubtedly boosted my rating of the episode. The Hound had some wonderful acting here too. Dany: I've been very disappointed with Meereen as a whole this season, but Dany ad my favourite scene of the episode in E10. Some much improved acting on Emilia's part here. King's Landing: Pretty much everything here except Qyburn and Gregor annoyed me and felt underwhelming. The lack of conflict between Jaime and Tyrion, combined with the "self-defence" killing of Shae by "St. Tyrion" was terrible. Very disappointed with King's Landing this episode Arya: Maise is a wonderful young actress, and while I had guessed pretty much that her last scene would be exactly this, I never expected it as the season ender. But in hindsight that was a good choice, and Maise was a killer (no pun intended) in all of her scenes this season.
  6. I suppose it's relevant to note here, if anyone is able to edit this: the link to Tyene's mother or Serra Mopatis under the Speta Lemore heading don't seem to lead anywhere, it just says error. Not sure if anyone can fix this. I also think other theories on her identity should be listed, including Mellario of Norvos and Wenda the White Fawn (there may be others but I'm not familiar with them) Varys as a Blackfyre also appears to be a broken link: Piecing Together Varys as a Blackfyre. I'm not sure where the thread would be or if it still exists Breaking the World link also a faulty link: Breaking the World The Old Gods Love the Starks also appears not to lead anywhere: The Old Gods Love the Starks Septon Barth's Unnatural Story also a broken link And some further ideas I think should be added to the OP: Who will be the Faith's Champion against Ser Robert Strong, Loras and Dragonstone and to the re-read projects I think the Learning to Lead: A re-read project of the Dany and Jon DwD chapters is a very good read too. Thank you to the author of V.1 and whoever is now in charge of V.2, your work is appreciated :)
  7. He was going to parlay with Mance and try to kill him. If he took Ghost he is more likely to be killed on sight I suppose as he is more threatening
  8. So-so. Wasn't my favourite episode, but wasn't horrendous. Didn't bother me that there was no Stannis, but felt the battle dragged too long. I was ready for the episode to finish by the end. 5.5 rounded to 6 ETA: To elavorate a little more. I did not feel excited or tense at all. We had some Wildlings run at the Wall and start climbing...around 10 of them, a number which is obviously no real threat. Then we had a mammoth and some giants (I liked the visuals here) but only one lives and gets into the tunnel. Grenn vs the Giant could have been a scene that excited me. Also, the Nights Watch must be Wights, the amount of times they sprang back up in the yard. Lackluster to me. Also disliked the over exaggeration of Janos Slynt. We already dislike him, no need to make him so grossly incompetent and cowardly as he was this episode.
  9. History of Westeros probably have a video on it too. Or they were planning one anyway
  10. I'm sure I have seen a YouTube clip of the reading before (not from Carolina though) but then I'm not sure if it was a partial reading or not.
  11. Oh sweet summer child.... In seriousness though, I think it is quite popular opinion on these boards that Doran isn't long for this world
  12. ^You realise only a select group of people tend to.vote each week right? There are plenty on the boards who are enjoying this season who dont vote, which brings down the score. And opinions will always differ, especially when the writing of the show seems so...different from previous seasons
  13. Pat could have been Pycelle...Quick death but messy. And I think you mean Rafford, not Amory ;) ETA: Dumbo could be Bran, who can "fly". It could have been Fred, but I doubt he only.intended one chapter there
  14. Torn on what to give this one. I enjoyed the duel and found the ending suitably brutal and gory, I don't really have any complaints on that front. The Tyrion beetle scene could have been replaced by something much more relevant imo. Set up for next season, time with another character, something, anything but that scene. Bleh. The Vale. Well, it was a hell of a shock to me and now I'm very divided. On the one hand, I agree with Ran that LF's character is very much diminished, it seems that he has literally no plan to get out of the corner he is in. I can see the logic behind it though, as getting across Sansa's subtle transition from innocent pawn to developing player that is shown in the books does not really make for good TV. This was perhaps a little too sudden, but I'm not terribly annoyed by it. I also want to say Royce and Waynwood were brilliant, they brought such a sense of nobility and superiority to the scene, and its immediately apparent that they are part of proud, old, noble Houses. Lady Anya Waynwood was spectacular imo, this was a brilliant casting choice. Daenerys banishing Jorah. Emilia's acting was better than I have seen her do any other time this season imo, though I wish she could have looked at Jorah just once. I can imagine they tried to get across how disgusted she was with him, so much that she couldn't bear to look at him...but it just didn't look right. That said, overall the scene was decent. Moat Cailin was another good scene. Not a fan of Mole's Town scene I'm afraid. Arya and the Hound is an odd one. Have to see how they proceed with this one, but it seemed an odd way to go. Missandei - Grey Worm I'm indifferent to tbh. So...now I've typed it out I have a bit of a clearer idea...6 or 7. I will be optimistic and go with a 7
  15. I think Carice (Mel) is a good example of this. I am.sure ai have read an interview where she thinks of nudity as natural and isnt embarassed by it
  16. ^Pretty sure we have seen both Theon and Olyvar (The Oberyn Orgy scene) full frontal, however briefly
  17. 9/10 for me. This was my favourite of this season by far, and perhaps even from all previous seasons too. My only critiques would be the random appearance and death of Rorge (and I assume Biter too) as well as the Gregor scene, which seemed bizarre and looked almost like one of those flims where you feed sacrifices to a caged beast...odd to say the least! Dany scene wasnt terrible or great, but the rest of the episode was fantastic. Tyrion and Oberyn, Tyrion and Bronn, Tyrion and Jaime. Pedro Pascal in particular stole his scene. Sansa and Sweetrobin was well done imo, glad they kept the kiss. Only Cat was brilliant, even without the signature line :p And I'm left wondering who will take the blame, and also fearing for Shireen... Great episode
  18. Travex means what lie did Ned use for Lyanna's death, if we assume she in fact died as a result of childbirth. Its quite an interesting question actually, because Ned obviously couldn't say that she gave birth and died
  19. Stannis recieves no reinforcements or extra ships in the books. Salladhor Saan doesn't abandon him until after the Battle at Castle.Black, and Stannis takes only around 1500 North with him, transported by Salla, the majority of men remaining to him after the Blackwater. He leaves small garrisons to hold Dragonstone and Storm's End.
  20. :commie: :commie: I'm from slap bang in the of Newcastle, Sunderland and Durham or thereabouts :lol: (Also, the are Newcastles all over the World, it could be Australia)
  21. I'm probably in the.minority but I thought this was a weak episode. Iron Bank scene was...well, flat and boring to me. Asha at the Dreadfort seemed pointless and acchieved next to nothing save showing the further deterioration or Reek, which could.have been done in another way. I suppose if its to set Asha up for.something else then fair enough but right now.it feels wasted. Maybe just because it was such a mystery and so hyped up, maybe not :dunno: Meereen wasnt bad. Liked that Hizdhar looks like he is going to be more fleshed out than in the books. So are we not getting Hazzea till E10 or.something then? Trial was the highlight, but couldnt make up for the rest of the episode imo
  22. Hey there :cheers: I've seen you posting here and there, you seem a very insightful person :) Welcome to the boards, enjoy your time here :grouphug:
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