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  1. A jacket potato and tuna is a thing of beauty. Light on the mayo, lots of black pepper, Red onion, sweetcorn and a crisp side salad with a lemon-y dressing...I'm actually drooling. Eta: Is this one of those jacket potato toppings American's scoff at? Like beans and cheese?
  2. And when Daniel Craig pops up at the end and this was a Knives Out movie all along? What then?! I got lost with these. Where's the timeline now? Caesar is dead? This is years after the last one?
  3. I did not particularly like The Lobster. Thought the Favourite was excellent and I'd put Poor Things slightly above that. Some pairings just work so well, and Emma Stone/Yorgos Lanthimos is obviously one of them
  4. Lying down for a "nap" and waking up 8 hours later then thinking, "well, nearly bedtime anyway I'll just turn over" is simultaneously the best and worst feeling in the world.
  5. I'm not great at cooking curries, but my friend's mam (who is first gen Indian and does a lot of traditional cooking) always says that the sign of a good curry is when you see that fat/oil separate from the curry and form a pool on top. Not sure if that's a generally accepted rule but her food is exceptional, so I trust her
  6. in Fuertaventura we had cats around the hotel that delighted in killing cockroaches, it was both a relief (when the cockroach was scuttling toward us) and a terror (when they'd proudly bring us their prey and drop it at out feet)
  7. I was once a young little thing, on holiday in the sunny climes of Tunisia. As I loved to do, I departed from the mothership and went for an evening stroll around the hotel grounds. Beautiful. A light breeze stirred the trees. It was warm, lovely, peaceful. Oh, what's that? A leaf has blown into my top, I should brush it awa- FUCK WHAT IS THIS FLYING COCKROACH GETITOFFGETITOFFGETITOFF! The above is a true re-telljng, and cost me dearly to recall
  8. yeah I think the price difference is about 5/10p a bag? I prefer red onions when I'm using them raw, caramelised, or for a specific flavour. If its for a base, garnish or to bulk out a dish when budgets are tight, I use brown
  9. It takes very vivid imagination to imagine such a falsity... I've not heard that one. Did you ever get "Make sure you wear clean underwear when you go out because you never know when you'll get hit by a bus." Erm, in hindsight what a thing to say to a 5 year old.
  10. you clearly don't have a vivid enough imagination because that makes perfect sense to me
  11. But what's your favourite brand? Socks can be a great gift, but I cannot abide the cheap nasty ones that are super thin and threadbare. I don't need a designer brand though, I'm very happy with a nice pair of TU (Sainsburys clothing). But do not give me Primark or George (ASDA)
  12. I'm glad I'm not the only one for whom this was their first thought
  13. Filming multiple endings for this season makes me think the people running this have a very different understanding of the fan reaction to the show. This is the kind of gimmick you'd do if you have the big hit everyone talks about the next day at work not....this
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