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  • I Am The Dog Who Spocks
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    Failed Rockstar, Flailing Author.

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  1. Their chickens are coming home to roost this summer. All 115 of them. And then they'll be gone. And then we'll truly find out how good Pep actually is. That is, if he stays true to his word and stays at the club despite expulsion to League Two or worse.
  2. Strong disagree. I studied the photos carefully. If it's the same actor, the makeup department have done a great job. The characters look nothing alike.
  3. I really like this. Fucking claret all over the shop.
  4. The evil cunt will have to be yeeted into the fires of Mount Doom to be destroyed.
  5. Love the idea of a final day, balls-to-the-wall defensive performance from West Ham that is so utterly epic, David Moyes' eyebrows have no choice but to grow back.
  6. Got my bluray of the thoroughly excellent The Borderlands. One of the best British horror movies ever. And a shining example of what you can do with an ultra low budget and a decent script. Pay no heed to the low IMDB ratings. This one is a favourite of Mark Kermode, who certainly knows his horror.
  7. *It should be noted that on the 3rd of May 2024 my circumstances did change, when I went from being very, very poor, to being *ahem* quite comfortably well off. Needless to say, I ain't on Housing Benefit any more.
  8. I have been caring for my brother since 2008. During that time, on top of the actual caring, I have had to : - Take the DWP to tribunal, after they stopped by brother's benefits and demanded repayment of seven thousand pounds under threat of criminal prosecution. All because they had failed to keep a physical record of the two separate JobcentrePlus meetings Chops was summoned to, where we produced his pension payslips in order to resolve a conflict query from the Inland Revenue. The appeal took over two years to resolve. Two weeks before the hearing, I tracked down the evidence the DWP had 'lost', and sent it to the tribunal service. When they wrote back, they were scathing of the DWP, and told me I no longer had to attend the tribunal, my brother's benefits were restored and they weren't going to prosecute him. - Take the DWP to tribunal for a second time on my brother's behalf. This because when they migrated him from Disability Living Allowance to Personal Independence Payment, they awarded zero points, stripping him of his benefits, and my role as his carer. This after a degrading and humiliating Work Capability Assessment by a "medical professional" with zero experience in the field of Mental Health. The cunts. This one went all the way to a hearing. I sat before the panel myself. After explaining my brother's illness to some actual human beings, they awarded him enough points for the higher PIP level, and, crucially, for me to remain as his carer. This episode took over eighteen months to resolve. - And now this: I am having to battle Enfield Council. They sent me a form to complete in March, just to confirm that none of the circumstances affecting my eligibility for housing benefit had changed. The only thing that had changed at the time was my rent had gone up. It went up last year, but I didn't bother notifying them because, frankly, my dealings with these bureaucrats has left me somewhat scarred. In the back of your mind you are always expecting some kind of kick in the bollocks. So when my rent went up, I didn't bother notifying Enfield. Let sleeping dogs lie and all that. Anyway, when I completed my current circumstances form, I put the new rent on there, and sent it back to Enfield Council. To my delight, I received a text message shortly after saying they were going to raise my Housing Benefit. Hooray! Then, two days later, an envelope arrived, addressed to my brother, containing a whole bunch of council tax bills. A bill for every year going back to 2013, totalling just under £10,000. This is for something called Overpaid Council Tax Support. There was no covering letter, no explanation. This was weeks ago. I still haven't had an explanation - a series of infuriating emails with some twat at Enfield has gotten me absolutely nowhere. My brother knows nothing about this. But yesterday, I walked into my MP's office and told him all about it.
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