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  1. Would you suppose the majority of the audience won't / don't know this, and most likely then, don't give a damn?
  2. Unlikely. I don't give a damn, as I don't for the promos, or even the existence, of almost everything these days! Endless dystopia, apocalypse, men in stupid capes, it's all the same. However I'm not sour on everything! I am looking forward to ep. 4 of The Veil tonight.
  3. It's really interesting to see the news out of Spain since the pro-independence Catalunya hard right party lost to the socialsists -- not the majority for the first time since 2012. Independence no longer a priority for Catalans. https://www.csmonitor.com/World/Europe/2024/0513/Catalonia-separatists-election-loss-Spain These 'pro-independence' ilks are quite quite fascist. It's equally interesting that Spain is among the nations pushing for a Palestinian state. Considering Spain's history with Arabs/Moors and Jews, particularly so. Causes some eye blinking it has among many, who are confused as to how to phrase condemnation for this turn of events. Blinken, among them. https://english.elpais.com/usa/2024-05-10/spain-and-us-acknowledge-their-differences-over-recognition-of-palestinian-state.html https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2024/05/13/palestine-statehood-recognize-spain-united-nations/ The idea that the only viable solution to this war is a Palestinian state was inevitable presumably since Israel refused to come up with any day-after planning. Though it is suspected among many that the day-after plan is all Palestinians gone and Gaza and West Bank be Israel as well. So, then . However, since eradicting Hamas seems impossible .
  4. They did, after all, allow Georgia get out of hand, so it has blown. Well, if wasn't them responsible, somebody was. Everybody better watch out.
  5. If Biden loses there is no doubt there will be post-election trouble, as They come breaking down our doors and shooting off all Their gunz. This is what They are waiting for. We will all have a better chance of survival if They lose.
  6. Since he's got gag orders, and the crowds that support him wherever else are not here to support him here, he has summoned his longest tongued spokesmouths to say what he cannot say or else go to jail: Bergum, Johnson, Vance, etc. They harangue the press in the small city park across from the state court building. ~~~~~~~~~~~ We have all heard of, perhaps been accused of "virtue signaling," right? Well the fascists have their own version, "cruelty signaling", this passing out of fake money to the homeless, shooting puppies, etc. Proving they are ugly enough to be the VP pick for the stinkin' wallowing heap. Always keep in mind, cruelty is the point. MICHELLE GOLDBERG Killing Dogs. Taunting the Homeless. Praising Al Capone. This Is Trump’s Party. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/05/13/opinion/kristi-noem-vice-signaling-maga.html
  7. This morning we received an email from a journalist who is based in San Francisco, who had gone with his wife to Georgia "for the wine and food." The apartment they rented for a few weeks is located right in the middle of where the protests are going on. He says he has never been in any situation with that many protesters and that many police. It's all very very very loud and terrifying. They are fairly stuck, at least for now. They wish they were home.
  8. Quite Hollywood Babylon in any and all of the iterations I've seen and read of Hollywood Babylon over the decades since Hollywood has existed -- the HBs always have decadent Rome scenes, in one way and another.
  9. Did anyone see Harfoots in the trailer? If they were there I missed them. The trailer itself to me appeared incoherent. But then I was fairly certain that season 1 would be unwatchable for me, and that turned out quite differently -- though not for most of those here. BTW, to what does this comment refer? "So 2003"
  10. Come on guys, Putin's demise is long into the future. There is nothing to expect otherwise, despite how much wishmongering over his health we saw here in the first year of the war. Which is now three years ago.
  11. How Covid-19's symptoms have changed With a new variant of the Sars-CoV-2 virus causing a spike in cases, it is showing just how much symptoms of the disease have changed since the pandemic began. https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20240111-covid-19-how-does-its-symptoms-differ-from-flu Hmmmm. This is of great interest to me as someone who has managed to dodge it all this time. Yes, I'm vaxxed as vaxxed as I can be, but I'm far more social, increasingly so, since February 2023, so my time is coming, surely. Though I still won't go into movie theaters -- but then they are utterly miserable experiences anyway, and I was decreasing enormously even before covid. And I still wear masks in many places -- though I have stopped recently wearing one in the supermarket and such places. On trains, subways, planes, airports, you betcha I'm wearing a mask.
  12. And not so old, youngish, and young men too!
  13. Well, Putin and his coalitions and supporters are essentially putting all of Russia on the basis of Return To the Empire Days -- from the university to pregnancy. They are in it for the long haul. As the Washington Post report in the International thread shows. With or without Putin, the rulers of Russia are in it, planning for the long haul. Here are the links again, though not gift / share links this time as I'm using up my monthly quota quickly. We reported for months on changes sweeping Russia. Here’s what we found. “Russia, Remastered” reveals how Vladimir Putin is harnessing the war in Ukraine to transform his own country and fulfill his vision of a restored superpower. https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2024/05/06/we-reported-months-changes-sweeping-russia-heres-what-we-found/ RUSSIA, REMASTERED Under Putin, a militarized new Russia rises to challenge U.S. and the West https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/interactive/2024/putin-values-russian-society-conservatism/ To please Putin, universities purge liberals and embrace patriots Russian university leaders are imbuing the country’s education system with patriotism to favor Putin, quashing Western influences and dissent. https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2024/05/07/russia-universities-education-putin-overhaul/
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