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Everything posted by VladimirDulud

  1. i never took a liking to her either for the same reasons; my excuse for her tho is that she was a petulant child of privelege who has had to learn gratitude the hard way ("there are more important things" at the dinner table when served gruel). That's the one comforting thing i tell myself to not write her off. She's paid the price, so to speak. I think her "white lie" to Jon here is more a product of her abuse , her oppression and trauma, more than anything else; she's only known torture and lies for so long so this is more of an extension of that. Psychoanalysing aside, i wonder if this omission will end up turning into a huge red wedding size mistake on her part. She think she's being wise and clever, perhaps like Littlefinger and Margaery; in reality she's not ready to come to terms with the truth of her situation - that she still has to slowly build up her sense of self after all that suffering.
  2. Night's King=Freddy Krueger Weirnet = dreams You die in the weirnet, you die in real life. Captain obvious, I know.
  3. all these people calling Euron fat are so silly. Piloi (the actor) is absolutely gorgeous.
  4. i have no idea meself. the lad probably didn't study screenwriting 101. the story structure was CLASSIC . in all capitals!
  5. 8/10. Thank God Game of Thrones doesn't try to pull a Walking Dead over us by making us wait 10+ episodes just to throw us under a car. Sheesh. So fulfilling. Even my unsullied friends who can't recall the Houses names' are loving this season right now. After two years of deviation after Season three's climax , it's finally returning to form. So good!!
  6. Drogon's flames churning Stan's pitiful self to a crisp is not an intangible victory. It's quite tangible actually, yer.
  7. Drogon's flames churning Stan's pitiful self to a crisp is not an intangible victory. It's quite tangible actually, yer.
  8. So Mel's vision of Stannis' "victory in the flames" is actually Stannis burned alive by Drogon?
  9. I very much want Cersei to redeem herself and become a good Queen.
  10. I liked Show Lollys too. Awkward and idiosyncratic and she came to life. Want to see more of her in the spinoff series.
  11. absolutely right. He did endanger his own life. But there was already bad blood there as well.
  12. As Sansa, she retains her claim as a force in the North and her value (life) under Littlefinger's finger.
  13. Yeah. its clear that D&D know how the books end and that GRR may have something in store for these two.
  14. Would that this could be true. I know there have been other instances where some characters who've died in the books, have lived on the show, or vice versa -- mayhaps. Mayhaps...
  15. Would that that were true. But I think the showrunners will go the straightforward route and excise Stoneheart from the series. Or is there a way around IMDB's casting lists? They do not show Fairley...
  16. What if the Others have more benign designs on Westeros? That thought crossed my head, though it was briefly scrubbed by the memory of the ravages they have done thus far.
  17. And me as well. It would have been splendid to see it happening, however slyly - for those who looked. They were subtle, and not a little.
  18. I'm not quite ensorcelled by Locke, and have a knee-jerk reaction against him - but perhaps this will change in future. If he's written as being as educated as you say, and given some material motivation, then, just maybe, I'll turn.
  19. I must needs agree. I also cringed, in shock and disbelief. It looked CGI manufactured, rather than being an organic, make-up fx job with an actor. There is something to be said for not having seen much of the fantasy element in the series, in my mind.
  20. I agree. I like the ambiguity of the Tyrells - they're fun to decipher; but it would seem more plausible for Margaery to have been clued in. Seems too risky, from a practical perspective, for her not to know. If she doesn't, there had better be some genius plan we're made privy to.
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