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Everything posted by direwoofwoof

  1. Damn Yara! You go girl! Poor Theon...
  2. Haha I agree! I did like Lady Tyrrell giving Cersei crap thoughh. Half expected Cersei to start a cat fight with her.
  3. Noooo! Live Arya Live and return to Westeros to be your badass self!
  4. Loved seeing Sandor risen from the dead and with a mission!
  5. Liked Arya and Sam scenes. Rest was a snoozefest.
  6. Do you think Bran being touched by the NK could break the enchantment of the wall like it did the cave? Maybe the wall won't protect him from the white walkers if he makes it back there...
  7. It was hard for me to pay attention after Shireen. Glad Jorah had a bit of a comeback. Dany flying on Drogon kind of anticlimactic, although the Harpies and creating a sense of danger for her was great.
  8. Great episode. Laughed. Awwwed. Worried. Grossed out. Freaked out. Much better than last week!
  9. I agree! How is this not going to ruin the next book? I don't mind deviating from the books, in fact some of the show's changes have been really good. But spoilers of something we haven't read (or that hasn't been written) is not cool. IMHO!
  10. Theories on how Bran & Co are going to get away from Craster's?
  11. I thought they were eating the babies. DOH!
  12. I thought they were eating the babies. DOH!
  13. I thought they were eating the babies. DOH!
  14. 6. Not very exciting. Glad to see Arya and Hound again. Wilding scene good. Great Dany speech and catapulting. Did not like or enjoy Sam/Gilly scene, Oberon scene, or the great Cersei/Jaime sexual reunion.
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