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crackpot theorist

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Everything posted by crackpot theorist

  1. This episode totally lines up with my crackpot theory. I will now enlighten you all: I’d like to throw a curveball into the discussion about who is Azor Ahai. First I think the timeline is all wrong. Everyone is discussing fully developed characters that will defeat the Others in the near future. What I think everyone is forgetting is that this particular winter will last for a very long time. Azor Ahai has just been born. Not Dany or Jon, AA is an infant. And the Others will only be defeated at the end of a very long winter (15-20 years). My crackpot theory is none other than “the little monster”, Gilly’s baby. Don’t believe me? I don’t blame you. But hear me out. Similar to the Night’s King story, a member of the Night’s Watch, who is a Targaryen sired a son from a Wildling (or female Other a la the Night’s King). There are only two potential candidates, Brynden Rivers or Aemon Targaryen. The mother tries to return her baby to Castle Black but is chased off. She eventually raises the baby, who grows up to be the bastard Craster. Craster is allowed to live but has vowed to always sacrifice his male heirs to the Others. Why? Because the Others foresee Azor Ahai being born and try to prevent it. The bloodline is preserved because Craster is a monster whose coat of arms should read “Breeding Inwards”. But seriously Craster’s action mirror the biblical Herod ordering the death of male babies because of a prophecy. There are also parallels of Kronos devouring his sons because he is destined to be overcome by his own sons. FYI from Wikipedia Robert Graves proposed that cronos meant "crow", related to the Ancient Greek word corōnē (κορώνη) "crow", noting that Cronus was depicted with a crow, as were the deities Apollo, Asclepius, Saturn and Bran.While the birth of Gilly’s son can’t exactly be lined up with the waking of dragons, the Others seemed keen to put an end to him. Don’t discount the little guy. And I still think the timeline is off. At least a decade or more will pass before the novels come to a close. Lots of everyone’s favorite characters will die, in the south to war and disease, in the north to starvation and Others.
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