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Seven Sevens

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Commoner (1/8)

  1. Hipping and hopping like mad innit

  2. RT @__mori_witch: Wondering if someone is lowkey posting about you.

  3. Bethesda is literally giving out money to people who play TES Online... desperate much?

  4. And where the hell have the stars gone!? Hearts are ghey.

  5. What was the bird that Robin dropped through the moon door made of? Reckon it would smash? Right now I'm picturing a dead Lysa laying next to the bird as the final shot of whatever episode "Only Cat" happens in. If it's during 'Mockingbird' then I think that would be a perfect scenario if not a little cheesy. It just popped in my mind and I hope to see it but I somewhat doubt we'll see her body at all, just the fall.
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