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  1. This might have been said here before but The Wildlings are so like the germanic barbarian tribes. Overall, i thought the siege was good but not that great and Grenn and Pyp was not supposed to die! D&D with their fuckery of shock value for the sake of shock value.
  2. Oberyn is too cool for Westeros that is why he died. But damn isn't the fight amazing? And his death! Gruesome as i remember from the books! Also as for Sansa, there will be a time that she will beat Little finger in the game of thrones. I'm hoping for it. And as for Daenerys.... The day she exiled Jorah is the day and onward where she will constantly fucks up ruling mereen. Oh and 50 shades of Daario.
  3. Daenerys is getting more irritating every scene. Less dragon girl and more Stannis please. The highlight for this episode for me is the Oberyn/Tyrion conversation.
  4. I'm pretty nervous of what the White Walkers will do with the baby then they just turned into one of them. Great episode as always. The scene with Jaimie and Brienne is the most powerful one for me this ep and i really can't wait for Jon and his companions to destroy that mutiny.
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