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Everything posted by SeanStark

  1. Have to conclude that this episode was quite underwhelming. Now don't get me wrong the battle itself was pretty damn good and I was enjoying it loads but to finish it with Jon just walking out like that and no Stannis was disappointing. The main part of the Battle at the Wall, I had been looking forward to was Stannis arrival and how D & D portrayed it on screen, Now I just feel like, even though we know it's going to happen next week, it won't quite have the same impact due to Tyrion killing Tywin, Bran meeting Bloodraven and hopefully, although I'm not holding my breath at this point, the arrival of Lady Stoneheart. I think they could have done so much more to this episode considering the money they spent on it. However on the flip side, I suppose when we think of it now, the Finale is going to be jam packed with a tonne of major WTF moments, here's hoping they have captured it right.
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