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Adam with one D

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About Adam with one D

  • Birthday 04/16/1989

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    I work in horse racing, so I love horses. Played organized hockey and baseball my whole life. Also unorganized American football. I love any type of rock music, and I grew up on Motown and the Beatles.... I also love women, and I am a sucker for pretty eyes and a good smile......... I think that says all I can say in one paragraph.

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  1. I do apologize if you mean me, this episode(season really) has made me want to geek out more than anything I've seen since I first read the RW.
  2. I think D&D are incredibly frustrating. I just realized how much better they've made me empathize with Allister Thorne than Stannis. Cause as small as it would've been, if Stannis said he had to win Winterfell & the IT to save the world... not a huge leap for me.
  3. Like I said I'm nitpicking cause it didn't sneak up on me, but replacing a woman with a man in a position of power does.And I know GRRM abused Jeyne Poole worse than anyone in GoT to this point, but I appreciated the fact he slipped some women's lib in there too. Edit-someone earlier pointed out how badly women are treated in the books, and I'm not oblivious about it.
  4. Isn't it one of the Sand Snakes.. but since they aged up Trystane and left out Arianne, I know why they did it. I suppose the downgrading of women's equality in Dorne in general has bothered me. I'm nitpicking a lot I know, but that episode really got to me. I still think D&D do as well as anyone could & I'm venting, but that's why we're here right?
  5. So I'm a straight man, and I definitely objectify women.. but no one has a problem with Trystane getting the seat on the small council? I know Dorne has been off from the start, but still..Edit-that bothered as much as Stannis when I was watching & my phone sucks.
  6. I assume GRRM is making serious $c.r.e.a.m.$ off hbo so he probably reached an "oh well" point a long time ago.
  7. No... but he did create an entire kingdom where sex doesn't matter.I'm not trying to be snarky,just sayin Edit-if you're sick of people complaining(where else can we go?) Just stop reading.
  8. Completely agree. I guess I meant that I'm torn between accepting it for what it was and the emotional investment in Stannis as a character since I first read ACOK.Edit- so I really think the introduction of the Night's King in the show and Stannis burning his daughter really sets up D&D to turn him into the next Night's King. Then Mel's vision of him at the final battle wouldn't be completely wrong either.
  9. Sorry.. I meant D&D's ideas of Stannis' motivation in the scene
  10. That is a fair point. I wish it were closer to the character in the book and I should give them a break til next week. ..But,they made one of my favorite book characters do something I have a hard time seeing him doing. That's not fair,but it's true. So I'll sulk in my corner... Pivoting a bit... does this set up the 'Stannis is the next Night's King' theory?
  11. I swear I think they do as well as possible, Hardhome(the entire episode), Dany flying on Drogon, giving Sansa real scenes with great acting... but ambition vs family... I have a headache.Edit-just say he thinks he's about to lose and if he loses the world is f'd... I could see Stannis doing that.
  12. D&D said ambition? Considering Stannis is more duty and honor bound than Ned that to save the realm(from his pov) it fit.. but ambition..no way. Sorry.
  13. I've been going back and forth on whether Stannis would burn her...and it's not a stretch in extreme circumstances, but I also think'Stan the Man would never kill his daughter'Bottom line-I'm very confused and I don't like it.
  14. Not trying to offend or dissuade but.. So I've been thinking: Dorne-might be more annoyed at the 'Trystane/Sand Snakes' misogyny in 2015,and downplaying Dorne's awesome feminist view in general,more than anything because there's no good reason for it. Stannis- I could see him getting desperate if had brought Shireen in ADWD,but I think GRRM writing it is the only way I'd believe it Drogon- so I've worked with/owned harness(sulky-sit behind not on) horses and currently have a stud that I trust more than any horse I've ever had... he'd NEVER put his head down and let me get on his back! But a wild-ish dragon... sure. Sorry, I had to vent. EDIT- I'm on my phone, so apologies for awful grammar/ sentence structuring.
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