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Everything posted by PhoenixFlame

  1. Sansa OWNED! I love how she sort of leaned back on her previous lie--wherein she took a truth and refashioned it to suit her immediate need (her lie to Lysa). She's tested it, she's not just having a lucky moment of inspired thought. It's a personal happy buttons thing, but I've always preferred it when characters think things through than strike it lucky. Her revealing herself works better in the show version. Even if the characters in a show shouldn't know, I think there's an intrinsic disconnect when a main character is masquerading as someone else and the viewer knows what's what. Sometimes it's smoothed over with tension--is his/her secret about to be exposed?!--but the Vale lords don't quite fit that. So yeah, I thought it worked well to have Sansa basically swearing THEM to secrecy. Plus, Lady Anya looked like a badass Valkyrie! If we accept show!LF without the shadow of the books, I thought it was pretty neat having him be taken a wee bit off-guard by how savvy she was. Off-guard, but psyched. Erm, yeah, Ramsay and Roose are awesome. Is it just me or did show!Ramsay seem very book!Ramsay when he kneeled before Roose? Iwan Rheon's one of those rubbery actors who can change his look so much. I was sad we didn't have Theon's "I've got less than nothing to lose so imma gonna be pretty damn effective" Moat Cailin moment, but I thumbs-upped the parallel with S2. Theon seeing for himself how ridiculous a final stand was, but also seeing the dude's hardbitten pride. Gah. Would he rather be the guy who died in a stupid last stand, or Reek?
  2. Yeah, everyone in Westeros thinks Mace is a fool except Mace. His main redeeming moment is
  3. There's definitely going to be a toasted tot or two--the actor playing the kid's father alluded to it. I guess they're letting her concerns build. First the glitter starts to fade, then a new gut-punch for her young rule. Tyrion's monologue was AWESOME. I love how his hair at first half-hid his eyes, so when he Kubrick-stared it perfectly complemented his voice. Very Shakespearean!
  4. Yummy fanservice. Not disagreeing with you. He needs to talk the talk like he (usually) walks the walks. I'm hoping his later important moment is Livingston levels of vocal badass.
  5. I've only seen the episode once, but I took Stannis' quietness at the bank to be more "I am so done with this bullshit this was a bad idea from the start" more than giving up. Davos, otoh, understands Braavos and told Mycroft to shut the fuck up. The power of bromance triumphed :P ...or Davos said "Stannis, for the love of god, let me do most of the talking."
  6. JA! It doesn't matter if he was lying or not, he was making valid arguments and pointing out how Dany's form of justice was shortsighted and emotional. Personally I don't think he was totally lying, even if he was playing up the grieving son angle. That's just persuasive speech tactics.
  7. I was disappointed Zero Dark Greyjoy ended so mutedly...but the Reek and Ramsay bath scene was awesome. Holy crap. Ramsay looks the softest he's ever been (lighting and wardrobe) and yet the scene has more nervy tension than ever. Alfie Allen sold Reek's terror and disbelief. Rheon is always awesome at eye acting. So. Effin. Creeptastic. Holy shit where did Hizdahr come from? This dude is awesome! I loved how Dany was all "eheehe, I am a wise ruler, look at the little peasant man scamper off!" Hizdahr pwned that smug look right off. I barely registered this guy in the books. I think we might have another Bronn? I liked Tywin's raw deal too. He seemed to imply he was never going to execute Tyrion in the first place, and Jaime bargained himself away to Casterly Rock. Mini-awesome acting moment--Dance's expression when Jaime told him about Aerys' last order. Oh, the pained looks of EVERYONE when Pycelle spoke of the "noblest boy the gods ever put on this earth." Ahahaha the day Pycelle lied too much.
  8. It's supposed to be OOC--she's manipulating Margaery because she's trying to get in good with Mace (a judge on Tyrion's trial). Given Robin's age, it would seem odd if he didn't show a touch more maturity. I didn't get the feel from the books he was mentally handicapped, just a lot of learned helplessness and physical ailments.
  9. I do think a fraction of what Cersei says/does is genuine, but she recognizes it and so she plays it up to be manipulative.I "teehee!"d when Margaery made her "sister" comment and Cersei just sorta looked poker-faced. Either a poker-face or stabbing Marg with a brooch. The Lannister's aren't broke on account of their lands/taxes, but given these gold mines seem to have been around for thousands of years, it's no surprise they're drying up. Tywin looked, for him, really tired. I really liked Lysa's portrayal. There were moments when she was warm to Sansa, but her mental instability was made very apparent in random things setting her off.
  10. :cheers: :bowdown: Yeah some noble fucker ruined her wedding so she shanked him and ran like hell for the Wall (just past Ostagar). Local hero!
  11. Ehm oh yeah where did Jojen get the fire? I need to rewatch. I didn't notice a sconce in range. GHOST! BROTP!!! It was like that bit from Brotherhood of the Wolf. The CGI was kind of dodgy on my screen though. It was via HDMI cable so yeah, needs a rewatch. Well, my city elf Warden was a frickin' unstoppable murder machine with dual daggers, but I probably shouldn't apply a fantasy RPG to real stuff like GOT. Ehehee, my first thought as the credits rolled was "uh oh Jon, you'll have to guard whatever virtue you have left." The ladies ain't staying at the compound. Yes Kit looked wonderful when he reunited with Ghost. Dude has skyrocketed up my lust list. Yes, I saw the fire. I wasn't sure if it was his vision or actual fire that he beat out during the cut XD. Don't know why the weirwood looked so scenic that far north but it was pretty.
  12. Ehm oh yeah where did Jojen get the fire? I need to rewatch. I didn't notice a sconce in range. GHOST! BROTP!!! It was like that bit from Brotherhood of the Wolf. Well, my city elf Warden was a frickin' unstoppable murder machine with dual daggers, but I probably shouldn't apply a fantasy RPG to real stuff like GOT.
  13. That + The Nerdist Podcast interview where the actor admitted to having improper thoughts when on live telly (the host prompted it by laughing about being on SNL and thinking "wow, I could punch that musician out on live TV!"). Baited me and I bit :wub: Speaking of sex kittens, ack, I forgot Oberyn! I loved the Cersei and Oberyn scene. They don't like each other but they can still find common ground. AU where Cersei is engaged to Oberyn instead of Robert? The fur would fly but hot damn. Cersei talking about Myrcella killed me. She just couldn't fucking be hostile to Oberyn once he said how happy she was getting to play at the beach, except try to say "nah, don't beleive you." "No place is kind to little girls" :crying: Oberyn's face, to my vodka-soaked eyes, seemed to be "you are a crazy bitch but damn I see what made you that way." ...SAND SNAKES!!! And Pod. Light of my dorky life! You dorky motherfucker stop sawing on your poor horse's mouth! But the scene with Brienne was precious.
  14. I was really frackin' drunk but I'm pretty sure I would've enjoyed it a lot if sober. - Cersei! I like the layers. A lot. Lena Headey does amazing things. Too often characters in rough situations become "stronger" for it, a la Dowager Sophia von Habsburg. Like the hardass Dowager, some become scary for it. Cerse is unique in terms of character; it's not a tragic backstory that giving her viciousness a softer light (though certainly more context). It's also her current situation combined with her having some unsavory traits to begin with. It's like she's the grand sum of utterly wasted potential--not someone who failed at being a Machiavellian villainess, but someone who was never trained to be as such even though they possessed the raw aptitude. You wouldn't fault 6-year-old Jaime for not defeating Gregor in a swordfight when he was new to sword fighting. Cersei's always had the dregs. And that makes her very cranky. Gah I feel so sorry for her, but only because we're separated by a TV screen. At the same time...she's a coldhearted bitch. Love her, but no apologizing. - Tommen. Precious little bb boy needs some hugs and kittens. - Margaery and Cersei. I compare their “getting along” to Mark Lawrence’s apt description two wildcats who’ve put their aggression aside for the moment. Cersei’s beaten down and regrouping, Margaery’s on cruise control until she re-establishes her lay of the land. - Tywin. Is it just me or does he look a bit tired? - Jon Snow. I GET IT. Fangirls, I get it. Fuckin' Jon went from a 6 to a 9 when he was drenched in blood, a bit cut up, and dropping the faux-hoarseness. - LYSA!!! Her warmth balanced precariously with her crazy. So so so good!! Her scene with Sansa. Holy shit. It’s like how no one can make you weep like relatives. I adore everything about her performance. - Sweet Robin. I was a bit perplexed at Uncle Baelish WEEEE! But, it’ll probably cast ambiguity on whose kid he is, which could be an interesting angle if Littlefinger’s clearly views him as nothing more than a meal ticket. - Oh hey Dany. Even on a giggly vodka tear I was scoffing at her Slaver's Bay project crumbling around her. I can't help it. Daario's "I heard you liked ships" should be a new fan slogan. - Bran/Brandor - whoa shit got real! I did NOT expect Brandor to strangle Locke. JFC. AWESOMESAUCE! At least Locke got some fun bits beforehand. Ye shall be missed. Poor ol' bear. - Jojen - reminding me of a Feist book I read in my youth, Shards of a Broken Crown. Will not attempt to explain the reference suffice it to say one of my happy buttons is sick/wounded people rising to the badass occasion. - Arya. Erm...going back and forth on the Hound cracking her in the face. I loved her sword not actually going through his armor. I KNOW he's a not a nice guy. But, he's never struck her, never struck Sansa. It kinda tweaked me. Then it didn't, 'cause I saw it as him giving her a relatively light (for him) smack to warn her how the next marauder she tries that on will probably break her jaw. Then I got confused again. I dunno. I didn't dislike it, I was just...ehhm....I dunno. Probably won't care in a week but I'm all swathed in feels.
  15. I thought the Tommen scene was kind of cute? She's playing a bit of a coquette but she kisses his forehead--that's way more friendly than romantic. She wasn't being that creepy, just getting him to like her. Not like that scene in The Borgias were Sancia gets all over Giofre. Plus, Ser Pounce is keeping him safe.
  16. What is it with Lannisters and cockblocking? Ellaria had crawled on top of Oberyn and things were ramping up and in walks Tywin, not of the partying spirit.
  17. I liked Tommen because he was such a contrast to Joffers. He's honest with his grandpa, not getting defensive he doesn't know something. It reminded be of that scene in Best Served Cold where Cosca's hanging out with a Duke's heir. He's heard the son is a total pussy, but thinks to himself how the young man seems thoughtful and respectful instead a reckless milksop. I don't think Tywin was just flattering him when he said "you have the right temperament for it." Maybe he was solely meaning "you're my little bitch" but it didn't seem like veiled condescension. Balances out the thought-train of "zomg Joffrey was a psycho 'cause he was inbred. Khaleesi is cool though!" ... Khaleesi has like 400 years of inbreeding on Joffrey... Erm at first when they were still standing, then she pushed him away. She was shoving his mouth away as he dragged her to the ground though, and yelping as he moved. I have nothing against rough sex but it didn't look consensual to me.
  18. Or he goes down like a boss, fighting a giant and four snow bears. Agree with the Tommen part, but please, explain the second? I'm not being jerk I'm just curious what made you think she wanted it? I had no problem with whores being naked in a whorehouse, in the middle of a job. Oberyn and Ellaria are bantering while treating them respectfully and not spouting so much exposition there's a need for an on-call fluffer. Teehee, Olyvar asked an honest question and Oberyn gave an honest answer. I didn't think the books gave much indication he was a savage warrior besides a mention of joining up with some mercenaries, until he ripped the Mountain a new one.
  19. I do like that Jon's showing more pragmatic reasoning. Killing the traitors so they won't say something to Mance dovetails into Jon storing Wight body parts to see how they tick. Sure there's some personal vengeance as they murdered the Old Bear, but he raises a valid point. I'll hold out judgement if Thorne's being a plain ol' douchenozzle or a Jerkass With a Point. Jon had way too thin skin (like most teenage boys) in S1 and let Thorne insult him where it hurt. 'Turning consensual' is rather rife with unfortunate implications. It's sorta established in the books Cersei's "Noooo, back off...aw shuddup and do me!" is a script between them unless Jaime's extremely delusional (which seems unlikely given Cersei thinks of Robert's rape but never Jaime's). Asha and Qarl are similar. I didn't see any "turning consensual" beyond Cersei not gouging his eyes out. How does it make Cersei more sympathetic from a narrative standpoint? It doesn't connect--if they were trying to characterize her as the victim of yet another peen, there was no reason to have her worrying about him earlier. I'm just really confused.
  20. Jaime. Does. Not. Rape. Cersei. Goddamn it he's practically her bitch. WHY?! Everyone here knows I'm down with most show changes. Most times I get, from a TV narrative perspective, why they tweaked things. I'm sooooo confused now! I don't see why Cersei couldn't be reluctant at first but clearly get turned on and dive in for some griefsex. She's feeling a ton of emotions and Jaime's right there and they're emotionally pretty codependent. I'd buy it if they sort of lost it and had rough-and-tumble sex that was full of raw emotion, psychologically unhealthy, but dammit they're broken people and sometimes they seem to fill each others' cracks. FUCK. -quick breath- Back to scheduled hashing. I really like Tommen. His interaction with Tywin was so so so good. I loved how Tywin was getting his measure, a bit like Halfhand in the books gained Jon's measure by leaving him with Ygritte. Mostly curious to see what he would do. But still he's Tywin so he's not going to take Tommen out for a root beer float and praise his shitty crayon drawings. He's gonna tell him what's what. I was really drunk while watching this so I need to rewatch for deeper facial observations, but it seemed like Tywin was breathing an internal sigh of relief when Tommen arrived at the correct answer with minimal prompting. Plus, Tommen's a cutie patootie. I really bought Cersei's broken grief too. So sad she'll ask her father to stop talking about her son, but also so shattered she won't do a thing to stop him from doing it. Fuck man. JON! MIP!!!!! Fuck yes this is the Jon I started liking in ADWD! I loved him agreeing with Thorne. It especially works if Thorne is replacing some of Noye' role. They might dislike each other but for Jon it's important to learn that you can work with people you dislike if you put on your big-boy boxers and look at the issues. Also giggled at Gold Cloak Fucker getting all fist-pumpy. Oh my fucking sweetheart you want to make friends...hahaha no most likely you're responsible for some of these scumbags ending up at the Wall in the first place. Arya and the Hound! Ahahahaha Arya being quick to pretend to be Sandor's daughter cracked me up. She is learning how to act and assume a persona...total potential for being an assassin. The Hound was in raging dick mode but he had a point. Jeez if that daddy dude had stopped to tell Locke to GTFO his land, he'd be listening to Baby Ramsay stories as Locke broke his kneecaps. Also, the Hound being affectionate to Stranger! D'awwww! It also seems like the Hound is somewhat getting used to the idea of Arya sticking with him, regardless of what distant kin she has. Kind of cute in a weird way. Lol, I'm imaging Sellsword Adventures with Sandor and his Bitchy Squire. Speaking of squires... POD! OMG Pod becoming a man! Surely the work of his ladyfriends. I loved him sneaking in Tyrion decent food. Yeah sure Tyrion's whitewashed, yadayada not a thing that can be done to change it so I'm not judging. As it stands, I liked their interaction. Tyrion doesn't tell him to accept the offer, 'cause heck no he's no martyr for stupid causes, but tells Pod to run for it. Nice setup for his adventuring with Brienne...I think she and Pod are really well-matched in terms of loyalty. Oh, loyalty! Not Littlefinger! WTF. Gillian is such a damn troll with his "LULZ! It's not creepy it's paternal!" Weird that LF's suddenly Irish but hahahaha he looks like he wants to slam Sansa against the ship rail and make out with her. Can't resist showing off by fucking up her jewelry, as it gives him a chance to touch her neck. Amused to see Margaery speak of her fanon "curse" regarding hubbies. Nice to see her seeming more her age than the calm cool manipulator. She's good and she's savvy, but like Black Widow, she only pretends to know everything. Unlike Oberyn who does know everything. As a lady with similar preferences, I had to tip my glass. Cool too to see Ellaria more amused than anything at Olyvar's attempt at kissing a lady. He's rather charming, truth be told. His bantering with Oberyn was amusing, as was Ellaria getting a bit friskier and claiming her man. D'aaaw! Then in comes Tywin and I nearly died at Oberyn's "seat" comment. Obviously Tywin was implying he'd give Oberyn a murderfest of the Mountain (and probs refer him to Roose Bolton for some l33t torture tips) if he helped condemn Tyrion. I actually really liked Tywin acknowledging the realm is in far deeper shit than he's let on. I kinda feel sorry for him, having to smirk and make light when shit's getting real. Maybe he should get some help... ...Like Westeros' ball-busting Shireen. OMG I squeed so loud at how pissy she was getting. She is such her daddy's daughter and it's adorable and made me feel warm fuzzies for Stannis. "RAWR don't mouth the words you're not a child!!!!" Yeah the "Iron Bank Eureka!!!" moment was a little heavy-handed but the non book-reader hasn't gotten a big picture of the Iron Bank so a little bluntness helps with clarity and establishes some connective tissue. Whatever eyerolls I had died when Davos kissed Shireen's forehead. Stannis, you'd better rekindle your bromance on the boat-ride to Braavos, 'cause right now you're being a dick. Speaking of dicks, or rather a lack of, imma still eyerolling at Dany's "FREE DAH SLAVES" speeches...especially since I didn't see any trailing group of freed Yunkai slaves...maybe they all died of starvation since it's not like Dany's heard of "supply trains." But she was cool telling her advisers why she wouldn't spend them. Fuck Dany, this moment was about new!Daario. And screw canon, I'm ok with Daario not being a creepy-ass Eurotrash greaseball. I LIKE the Mereenese Blot's theory he's an embodiment of war and you're supposed to be thinking "Dany wtf bb girl y r u doing this?!" but I feel that way enough about Dany already so adding a stoopid boyfriend is only going to be more irritating...in short I like the TV's version of Daario being charming, but still with a commoner's streak. Fuck Strong Belwas that Scrappy did nothing but remind me of a watered down version of that Sumo guy from the Jackie Chan Adventures. I liked how Daario didn't even give Mr. Plume de Lance a chance to get up. Here endeth my self-righteous rambling?
  21. Exactly! Cersei's a champion at tamping down her visible emotions, at least in the show interpretation, in comparison to how much she wants to rip out throats and drink her foe's blood. So yeah, it's not impossible for her to hold back the screeching grief-wracked mayhem she likely feels, but it comes out in her shoving past Margaery, shoving Jaime away, and tears brimming that she forces herself to steady. I loooove all the itty-bitty acting moments! Like, gawd, Iwan Rheon's expressions crack me up. His Ramsay isn't as Kaiju-esque brutal, but his sarcastic smile when he quips the hunted girl's created a problem says enough. Only for it to be tweaked when he's visibly on edge during Bolton's arrival, and shaken when Roose chastises him. Even his "Reek" comes out kind of hoarse at first. Plus, Theon trying not to puke when the girl's attacked by the dogs, and his flinchy little reactions when Roose says "Theon."
  22. So, um, Tywin totally covers Tommen's eyes while his brother convulses. My heart might have cracked a little bit.
  23. If watches existed in Westeros, the Tyrells would've all been flashing their wrists when Joffrey started munching on the pie. Concern over Joffrey's cruelty? More like "goddammit we should've hired Micheletto." This is made of win.
  24. Agreed! Jaime and Brienne are closer to a Battle Couple than Brothers-in-Arms. Oh, the makeup/small effects teams were firing on all cylinders! Margaery's hair was gorgeous, Sansa's cheekbones have never looked finer, and dear lord Joffrey had blood coming out of his pores.
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