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Everything posted by Zehde

  1. Best episode in a very long time. GoT how I adore it, 11/10
  2. So, after seeing this episode, I am rather underwhelmed. I have to say I liked the scene in Kings Landing. As TV characters can't talk to themselves, I take no offense that the things that go through Jamies mind in the books are adressed by Cersei in the show. An elegant way to do it. I also liked everything around the wall. Great buildup of Jon as a good an Melisandre as an evil character through the strong scene with Mance burning. Maybe it's not THAT bad, that they left out the glamour swap of Mance and Rattleshirt. The waste of screentime for ol' gay Loras and the Unsullied in the brothels made me quite angry. As the first episode is set up, I doubt we will see anything of: - Aegon - Quentyn - Euron und Victarion - The Valonqar This is really sad. I seriousely hope, the show doesn't leave out the Iron Islands and Dorne as a whole. And should they really have the audacity to replace FArya Jeyne Poole with Darth Sansa, the show will massively fall from my favour.
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