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Catelyn's Sweeter Peace Terms

Tywin Manderly

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On the other hand, given the military situation at this point, accepting it looked to me much less of a suicide than refusing it. How were the Lannisters supposed to deal with Renly's huge army and The Stark-Tully alliance at the same time? Nobody could predict that Renly would be murdered by a shadow.

Pray for a miracle. One was a 99% chance to to die, the other just 98%.

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Robb is asking for extremes from a position of perceived power and could negotiate from there, the Lannisters probably were making plans to have him killed regardless.

Catelyn would probably ask for full pardons for everyone, return of the sword + bones + daughters, the head of Theon Greyjoy, the renunciation of the wedding between Joffrey and Sansa, and otherwise status quo antebellum. Maybe some gold as recompense to the families who lost troops. In return the Starks swear fealty to Joffrey Baratheon and recognize him as a Baratheon. And the Lannisters would be fools to reject such a peace, though given the people involved they just might have done that too.

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There could be no peace after Ned's execution.

Robb's terms were not meant to be accepted. Nor could he or the Iron throne accept sweeter terms.

He has gone to battle, got men killed , captured, maimed. He cannot back off now with nothing, bend the knee to the king who killed his father and hope for good.

His men would not accept him as Lord, and Joffrey would end up sentencing him for treason later.

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There could be no peace after Ned's execution.

Robb's terms were not meant to be accepted. Nor could he or the Iron throne accept sweeter terms.

He has gone to battle, got men killed , captured, maimed. He cannot back off now with nothing, bend the knee to the king who killed his father and hope for good.

His men would not accept him as Lord, and Joffrey would end up sentencing him for treason later.


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