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Chapter 7 Ayra


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The chapter speeks louder by what is omited, then by what it says, if that can be so. Salty (Arya) is feared by some of the crew, and given gifts by some. Why? They all want her to know their names. Why? The Titan is a feature of one of Old Nan stories. Nan is old, and older story teller, and who knows, maybe some truth to her tales. Plus I love when George talks dirty to us, "The Braavosi feed him on the juicy pink flesh of little highborn girls". Beautiful description of the city like Venice. The door to the temple is made of weirwood. Why? What was that black water in the temple the boy drank? some sort of poison? I don't know. Did Ayra tell the boy he needed to die when she handed him the cup? I don't know. Ayra shifts dramaticaly from having needle out when she enters the temple, being somewhat fearful, to darn right fearless, eating worms out of the dead skull at the end. Ewwwww!!!! My hope for Ayra is that she remember where she came from, that she is the Wolf, that she does not abandon the old gods, and that is supported by a few of her thoughts in the chapter.

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Arya is definitely changing. But that is to be expected. For so much to happen to her at such a young age, she has no choice but to adapt because she has to survive. Most girls her age would not have accomplished so much. Girl's got one hell of a backbone. I can only imagine what she could accomplish when she's in her twenties (especially since she'll be beautiful and wild like Lyanna was).

Definitely a great character.

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