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ASOIAF is about tunnel vision


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I think that one of ASOIAF's most important themes is tunnel vision. I did a quick search and didn't find any results so I think this is a new idea, correct me if I'm wrong.

The kings and lords of Westeros and Essos play their little game of thrones, forging alliances and backstabbing friends in order to gain power. They are so focussed by this trivial game that they have forgotten about what really matters: the war against the Others. This has gone to such an extend that the Night's Watch's real purpose has been forgotten over the years. Once a glorious organisation, it is now a mere shadow of its former self.

ASOIAF is a satire of the world that we live in. For example, the USA and Russia/USSR, or for that matter LIberalism and Communism, are caught up in a rivalry that forces both sides to invest tons of resources in a vicious circle of creating stronger weapons than the other side, resources that could have otherwise been used to solve serious problems that will be an actual threat to humanity in the nearby future, like global warming, food and water shortages and the explosive expansion of the world population.

This is just a quick post, if you guys don't think this is total BS I might expand my theory a bit.

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ASOIAF seems to be about many things.

the theme you mention is certainly there, at least in the first books.

The high lords play their petty game of thrones not even aware that a storm in the shape of Dany, 10 thousand Dothraki and 3 dragons are going to swipe them from the east, and a horde of wildlings united another the king beyond the wall are coming from the north.

And this in its turn is just another petty game compared to the real problem of the Others which everyone manages to ignore.....

So yes its a theme, but I wouldn't say this is all the story is about.

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We still don't really have any evidence that the others are that much of a threat. They don't seem close to breaching the wall yet.

If we take your analogy and run with it, maybe the others will never breach the wall and these books are GRRM's way of saying he's a climate change denier.

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I agree with the first part: I don't know if I'd consider it a "theme," but it's been pretty clear since the first book that the game of thrones has blinded the lords and ladies of Westeros to the true threats facing them. However, I really don't think that this is a metaphor for real life issues like climate change and resource depletion. GRRM has repeatedly stated that ASoIaF is not meant to be a commentary on current events.

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