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Historical referrences to plot and characters

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I'm of the mind that if you look at each character if your dogged enough as Lady Dustin would say you can see which historical figure GRRM was using for each character. From there I started breaking the character down by what happened in the historical figures life to predict where each character arc might go just theory.

Let's start with Dany: Cleopatra and Elizabeth of York . It's through being a princess and her father's daughter that Cleopatra reigned. She was her father's recognized heir. Even though Dany never knew her father, like Ser Kevan said no man can question her blood. Like Elizabeth of York she is the daughter if the king, sister to the king, aunt(niece York) to the King and ? possible wife to the king. Even Cleo had to marry her brother in order to be enthroned. So my thinking is that while many will except Targaryn rule again because she's got dragon. Yet I can see the high lords wanting her to marry Aegon to cement their rule together. So technical she's the ruler but the lords would be looking more to Aegon and Tyrion as the true rulers. This also strengthens Aegon's hold on the throne because if Dany takes him for her nephew then he must be right? Then there are the two man men that played a big part of Cleo's infamy Ceasar and Marc Anthony. Ceasar was a renowned military mind while Marc Anthony was Ceaser's right hand man he even used his notes for his military campaign east only to fail there and in the sea battle that cost Cleo her country and life. It's through Tyrion's efforts that KL can be saved it's through his skilled political mind that has kept the Lannisters in power for so long. He set up the Tyrell Match and the dornish match. Aegon has taken Storms End but with someone else leading the battle. Yet it's impressive because he did it without the use of dragons. So my final thought on Dany is that she will take the throne, yet someone else will be the real power behind the throne. She will ultimately die because she over reaches her grasp

Cersi,Jamie: Would have to be Catherine de Medici and Lucrezia Borgia and Cesaer Borgia.

Cathererine used magic to see how many of her children would be king and how long they would reign. She was said to use poison, that she was the cause of this massacure under her middle child I think. Sounds like the riots where flea bottom burned, hundreds were killed and the high septon dethroned(killed this was a religious massacure), was report to have tried to poison her daughter in law. Couldn't stand Mary queen of Scots. Lucrezia Borgia was supposedly the lovers of her father and brother. Her oldest son was the child of her supposed lover but the rumor mill in Rome said the child was that of brother. Her first husband was proclaimed impotent or a cuckhold because Lucrezia was sleeping with someone even at the time when she was confessing before the college of cardinal that she was a vigin she was like 6 months pregnant. Jamie or in this case Cesaer is going to kill his sister. There is no doubt in my mind. Jamie like Ceasar was quite jealous he supposedly had her second husband murdered by his henchmen. Though history will say that someone murdered him because he might be a threat to Ceasar's French alliance and his French wife. Along with all those French troops that were helping him hold the lands that he was carving out the Romagna. Not to mention that he was the first cardinal to ever leave the college willing in history. They both long for adventure and battle. Though both men are brilliant Ceasar was a born states men. Most of the territiories that he conquered surrendered because he improved the conditions that they were living in. He was fair with taxes and not overly harsh in punishment. Yet betrayal was not something that I would wish on any of his enemies. Lets just say it wasn't pretty. Then there was his right hand man even after his death they brutalized this man and rumor had it one would think that he had never even heard the name Borgia. Anyway he died escaping from a Spanish prison. So maybe Jamie will suffer a similar fate after the murder of Cersi.

Margrety Tyrell: Katherine Parr, she was the most married queen consort of England. The first three times that she married old men. So she was a virgin when she married for the last time to Thomas Seymour. She died while giving her husband a child. This rings so true with the much married queen of westeros. She first married Renly and he's gay so there was no worry of a consummation there. Then she married Joffery only for him to be poisoned before the marriage can be consummated. Last but not least she's married to a boy 1/2 her age. Little need to worry about any babies or consummation happening there. So my thoughts when Aegon comes to the throne over the cooling blood of her late husband to gather support and to make a much needed political match will marry her. She's pretty, rich, daughter of a power lord with a vast army sounds like a good match. Now as many have pointed out just like Dany could take two husbands why can't Aegon take two wives. Dany is supposedly barren they are trying to preserve their line and pass the crown on so it only make sense that he marry someone that can have children. With Adrianne serving as royal mistress. Seeing as his marriage to Dany is a marriage of convenience and for appearance sake(politically speaking).

Tyrion: Charles V of the Holy Roman Empire. Though this man is not a dwarf (his grandson was and also mentally ill Don Carlos), he had a sever deformity with his lower jaw, epilepsy and gout having to have him carried around and special ramps being made. He spoke several languages, rules of vast territories because of his blood relations he was the first king of a united Spain. How this ties into with Tyion, because Tyrion is the son of Aerys(so I believe Tyrion is the bastard son of Aerys Targaryn) he's the blood of the dragon and heir to the fallen Valyrian empire, Westeros and through his ties from his mother his heir to the Rock. It's like with Aegon the Conquer his right hand man was rumored to be his bastard brother. Similar to how Tyrion will possible be rumored to be Dany's bastard brother. Charles was a competent rule, he went to war with France though expensive it had it's rewards. France turned over possession of Milan and other French territories and to cement the alliances the French king had to marry Charles's sister. Sound familiar. Tyrion cementing an alliance between Dany and Aegon placing himself in the hand position. Just like Viersy II, who was hand while his first nephew warred and the second prayed and was thought to have poisoned the second. Tyrion having already served as hand to his lion king can now serve as hand to his dragon king of a nephew. Plus he's already be accused of poisoning his nephew.

Sansa: Elinor of Aquitene and Mary I Queen of England . So the duchess of vast territories in what is now known as france and other countries. She first married her cousin Henry of France. The marriage was unhappy, she was unable to produce a male heir after 11 years of marriage. They got an anullement on the grounds that they were first cousins and therefore too closely related. Sansa's first marriage was never consummated. She's the heiress to 3 of the 7 kingdoms. Whomever she weds is in a great position to rule to whole kingdom. Which brings me to my next point Mary Queen of England married her cousin who stood to inherit the Spanish throne when his father died. Now Mary's nobles disliked the marriage and refused to grant her husband the title of King of England. They did however grant him the style king consort of England. The lannisters married sansa to the imp and hoped to get her with child so that Tyrion could rule the north through his wife and son. Same as what the Spanish wanted with Mary. Like Mary if sansa were to invade her homeland with her own troops her nobles and people would turn on her. She would be marching on her home land with a foreign army. Then Elinor was married to the king of England they also didn't have a very happy marriage because he was always cheating on her. His name was Henry which is what Harry is derived from or Harrold. He's a sex addict and already has 2 bastard. Predictions Sansa is going to end up a martyr. If that doesn't happen she is going to at some point be close to marring Harrold. Tyrion is going to kidnap Sansa and that very unlikable moment that fan's aren't going to like. Tyrion is going to go back on his wedding vows and rape Sansa.

I have more I just have to finish getting them together. Next Jon, Theon...

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He's used real history as inspiration for many of the plot lines yes... He's admitted this explicitly but events don't translate 1-to-1. He may use one period of history for one sequence then switch to a totally different period for another sequence in the books, making his character's story a disjointed combination of several different historical figures. Plus he throws in original plots and twists...

You're already stretching things to correspond to current events... so there's definitely no way to then extend actual history to see what will happen in the story.

At best once all is said and done you might be able to cobble together a storyline from history for each character. (Sansa starts out like this person, then shifts to being this other person, then ends as this third person...)

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While I agree with many of these, I disagree that Tyrion is Aery's son. He has too much of Tywin in him to be anything but Tywins son. Now Jaime and cersei might be, with Cersei inheriting his madness, but I doubt this as well.

I agree with the comparisons, but I think Cersei is also Elizabeth as she is the eldest child of a great man who wanted a son as his heir, she is a queen, and, like Elizabeth, she views a kinsman to be an enemy, Tyrion for Cersei, the Queen of Irelandfor Elizabeth(her cousin)

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