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The Lords of Warg

Borys of Ur Draxa

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So, if one can warg into a human, then why not warg into a local-lord and rule his lands? Why not, on his death-bed, warg into his heir and continue to rule?

In theory, a warg can live forever and the more time goes on, the more and more wargs will be out there. There's been thousands of years: surely there is a large population of wargs out there.

Also, if the Wildlings knew of warging, why not sneak an army by the gates, warg into the Night's Watch at the gate-house and open the gates, allowing your army through?

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A warg loses his gift upon dying the first time. It's bound to the body, not to the conciousness. He gets a second life, but no third. And the second is already identity-destroying enough.

Furthermore, warging into humans is difficult as hell. Up to now, not a single warg or greenseer has successfully warged a sane human, not even for a single hour. And the Starks are far, far above the average skinchanger in talent.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I think warging into humand is a matter of completely dominating their mind and forcing them out. Bran is able to do it to Hodor and though Hodor fought him at first each time he does it he fights less and less. Hodor is a mental midget compared to even a child like Bran so he can be dominated. However when Varamyr tries to do it to the speaarwife who's name I disremember, he fails dismally. These are probably of equally low inteligence but I give Sixskins the edge in willpower because he is practiced in mind control after all. Now imagine how much harder it would be trying to take over a Lord who is educated and has been taught from birth that HE has the right to rule. Varamyr said the bear fought hard, try an egocentric guy with a preferance for throwing folks in the dungeons for a slight offense.

That being said Wargs are far from immortal. They can take a second life but every day loose a little sense of self. Once the second life body dies so does your conciousness.

On a crackpot note it might be possible for an older Warg to take over the body of a younger one and gain his warging ability theirby living another life still with warg abilities. Only downside would be that each subsequent body you take would have to have a lesser warging ability to be able to take it over.

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