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Tytos vs. Henry VI


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Who do you think was worse ruler? The natural fool Henry VI, or Tytos Lannister?

Of course, the difference is that Henry VI ended up losing his throne and life, and those of his son, while Tytos´ sons successfully recovered Lannister power and Tytos died comfortably pampered by mistress.

Was it because Tytos was better ruler, or because he was simply luckier and Reynes were never as bad rebels actually as Yorks?

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I would actually say that Henry VI was the better ruler- the common people, on the whole, seem to have recognised that Henry was a genuinely good man.
Both Tytos and Henry have similar problems however- they delegate too much, they alllow their vassals too much power, they do not like to reign in their relatives. Henry however was harsh to those that where not related to him who "rebelled" in any way, whilst Tytos really wasn't. Also, Tytos strikes me as something of less than a good man- the septons started openly preaching against him. Henry VI is still seen as someone who would have been a good monk, but made a terrible king.
Also, it took years for things to get to the point of no return for Henry VI- York rebelled several times, but most of them (the early ones) had to do with reforming the government, and York trying to protect his own interests and family/dynasty.
The Reyns, Tarbecks and others started openly disrespecting Tytos straight away. It got worse, but it started off bad.

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