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Changes From the Books That You Liked (Book Spoilers)


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So I would like to see what book-to-show changes people actually enjoyed. Some of my favorites in no particular order:

1. Arya/Tywin: I think that the dialogue between these two was some of the best in the series.

2. Tywin's characterization: I think the show really made Tywin a rounded character in the way the books were unable to do because of the POV system.

3. Karl "The Fookin' Legend" Tanner: I know he was over the top and a bit cheesy, but god he was a fun character and certainly livened up a somewhat stagnant Wall storyline for a few episodes.

4. Cersei/Tyrion: Absolutely loved these scenes, they really brought out the best (or worst) in both characters.

5. The Characters at the Purple Wedding: This was a great, great scene with all of these different characters finally interacting for once. It was fun to see all of that.

What are yours? Would also like to keep it positive, please :)

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