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Mance's son and Craster's grandson?


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In the Sam chapter on the Cinnamon Wind in AFFC he and Gilly are discussing Dalla's baby's name. They talk about naming him Aemon Battleborn or Steelsong and Sam reflects that the boy has none of his craven blood, being Mance's son and Craster's grandson. Am I missing something? Is Dalla one of Craster's daughters that got away?

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This is a particularly weird statement by Sam especially when Val says that Monster is "no kin of mine." If baby Aemon is Craster's grandson than either Craster is Mance's dad (which we know is not true since his dad was a NW) or Craster is Dalla's dad. If Craster is Dalla's dad, than Val, Dalla and Gilly are all sisters. So Monster would be kin.

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I think it's possible that Sam just meant grandson in the sense that Gilly would be raising him, but the reference to his blood confuses it for me. And I totally forgot about Val's statement, good find SS. It just seems like a weird thing to say, especially since it's bunched in with Aemon's thoughts about his blood relations and Stannis's dragon blood, etc.

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This is simply an over analyzed quote. Gilly was craster's daughter, she is the milk mother, and the only mother the baby knows. "Mance's son and Craster's milk grandson" would have satisfied everyone, I'm sure.

In GoT, someone tells Jon that "sad that your lady mother took the queen's brother captive". I'm typing from memory, but lady mother was the phrase used to denote Catelyn. And Jon promptly replies, 'she is not my mother'.

ETA: Mance and his close circle despised Craster. Val's dialogue comes from this hatred to distance herself from abomination

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