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Other Starks (woiaf spoilers)

the mad heron

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Okay, so we finally have the possibility of stark cousins:

1) descendants of the twins Brandon and benjen who both have issue

2) descendants of ostrich umber and Ariana stark (presumably to include the great Jon)

3) potential descendants of Granada stark and Harold Rogers

4) potential descendants of Jocelyn stark and Benedict Rogers

All of which begs the question.....who the bloody heck are the Rogers Boys and why did they get to marry Starks......?

Is the answer on Skagos?

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For the potential descendants of Jocelyn Stark and Benedict Royce, we know that they had three daughters (at least) who married a Waynwood, a Corbray and possibly a Templeton. Lady Anya Waynwood might be of the same generation than Jocelyn Stark, but one her sons could be the husband of one these three daughters. Lyn Corbray and his brothers could be also grandsons of Benedict Royce/Jocelyn Stark

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