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You're the Head of a Noble House: Riverlands Edition

James Steller

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1. Oldest Son. Make him a knight, marry him to some minor house's youngest daughter, or another bastard girl like him. Hopefully they can make a cadet branch of my house together.

2. Deny the Frey's my daughter unless they wed a younger son to her. (THey are Frey's its impossible for there not to be a younger son ready to marry). The son can be even be a bastard, but he has to be young. I will even promise to make their children my heirs. If they refuse, I will marry her to the Crownland guy, and marry my bastard to a Frey bastard, and my true born son to a trueborn daughter.

3. Have all the Maesters in the land look at him. Wait until he is eighteen. If he recovers, wed him to some other house. If he doesn't, send him to become a Maester, with all my blessings.

As our words under the emerald crawfish declares: Nothing will not suffice

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