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Fan studies and Game of Thrones/ASoIaF


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Hello! I wasn't quite sure where to put this, but I didn't want to clutter up the series discussion boards with it even though it does relate to GoT/ASoIaF. I hope putting it here is alright.

So I’m taking a class that focuses on fanfiction and fan culture (what fun!) and one of our assignments is to investigate a fandom. I decided to go with the GoT/ASoIaF fandom and I thought it would be unfair of me to just provide my own observations without some input from the community itself. Personally, I’m pretty excited that fans (and their fanworks) have reached a point where we’re being acknowledged by academics—I never would have expected to take a class like this four years ago. I’ve put together something of an informal survey; if you’d like to take a moment and answer a few questions, I would appreciate it greatly. I want to try and represent the fandom as well as I possibly can. For the sake of simplicity I'll be using "Game of Thrones" as a blanket title for both the novels and the television show (it's just less of a headache to type over and over than ASoIaF) but I would appreciate input from both sides of the fandom.

1. If you had to give a general description of the Game of Thrones/asoiaf fandom, what aspects of the community do you consider to be most prevalent?

2. Are fans of Game of Thrones more critical or celebratory within the fandom? For example, do fans tend to analyze the plot from a slightly academic standpoint (using tools from literary criticism or otherwise), or is the plot simply appreciated for the surface value? Is there an even mix of both?

3. Are there any major divides within the fandom?

4. What do Game of Thrones fans get out of fanfiction? What are some of the more popular themes in Game of Thrones fanfiction? (It's well known that George R. R. Martin resents fanfiction; does this influence your desire to read or write any?)

5. What are your opinions on acafans (academic fans) or academia in general getting involved in fandom? Are critical essays and analyses generally accepted or shunned in the GoT community?

6. Do you feel that the Game of Thrones fandom differs by community (tumblr, facebook, message boards)? If so, why?

If you’d like, please feel free to add any additional comments or observations.

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This isn't only GoT forum. It's Song of Ice and Fire board.

Fanfiction isn't approved by GRRM. We respect it.

As a "writer" ( nothing publisged so far , I'm working on my first book) I understand how difficult and hard is to create and write. I understand that after all labour of writing you will break angry when some lazy guy "steals" your world and characters to make his own ( usually stupid) fanfic.

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When is somebody going to do that study on why this forum keeps getting selected as the subject of studies? Curious minds want to know.

It's not the only fandom that caught the attention of academics. Sherlock, Doctor Who, Star Trek, even Buffy: The Vampire Slayer...to name a few. Personally, I picked it because it's both a media and literary fandom, it's ongoing, it's an old and well-estabilished fandom, and the source material is open to criticism. On that note though, it wasn't my intention to force this on anyone. I apologize if my curiosity has inconvenienced you.

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It doesn't inconvenience me, but I'd be surprised if you get much of a response. A lot of similar student projects have been done on this specific forum for one thing, and I think if you're looking for the kind of fans who write fanfiction you're probably in the wrong place. Try tumblr maybe?

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It doesn't inconvenience me, but I'd be surprised if you get much of a response. A lot of similar student projects have been done on this specific forum for one thing, and I think if you're looking for the kind of fans who write fanfiction you're probably in the wrong place. Try tumblr maybe?

I actually put this on both tumblr and this forum because I wanted to get responses from both communities...but tumblr moves a little too fast (my post was buried within minutes). It's alright if I don't get any responses; I can still do my assignment without it. It just would have been an interesting point to include.

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