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Lannister sack of King's Landing


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Assuming it was based on a sack of Constantinople, I would suggest the Fourth Crusade. The defenses with walls of fire engulfing the city fit very nicely.

The Ottomans were actually invited into the city as allies against Byzantine's enemies though, and ended up conquering the capital.

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I had assumed that you were talking about 1453 and the fall of Constantinople, which was the only time that the Ottomans got within the city.

I honestly don't see that much similarity between the capture of Gallipoli and Thrace, and the sack of King's Landing.

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I had assumed that you were talking about 1453 and the fall of Constantinople, which was the only time that the Ottomans got within the city.

I honestly don't see that much similarity between the capture of Gallipoli and Thrace, and the sack of King's Landing.

-Ottoman (Lannister) ruler enters city as ally against Byzantine enemies, only to reveal himself as a sneaky conqueror. City sacked.

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I never thought about the sack much, but Aerys is definitely Caligula. Caligula was killed by among others the head of the Praetorian guard - Jaime Lannister, his wife was killed - Elia, and their child had its head smashed against the wall, I can't remember if it was a boy or a girl.

wb Joffrey?

He's very Caligula-like.

I think Martin assorted various tidbits from history into every event.

Like the Wall in the North for example has traces of Oriental history (The Great Wall of China kept the Huns/Mongols out).

If Westeros was inspired by English history, as Martin said in an interview once, then the North would def. be Scotland and the most Northern part the Scottish highlands.

First Men, Andals = Celtics & Germanics?

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